Home Instruction
Home Instruction
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Instructions For Processing
Special Education Home Instruction Students
NOTE: 1 hour of instruction = 1 day of attendance
Elementary Students
- The student will have a secondary enrollment to the Home Instruction Calendar. This enrollment will have predefined start and end dates.
- The student will keep their primary enrollment record.
Students who will be receiving Home Instruction for the entire year or the remainder of the school year:
- The schedule will combine Attendance & Academics:
- Attendance/Academics: You will end date the students schedule one day prior to the Home Instruction enrollment. Blocker course #N92200 will be added effective the first day of the Home Instruction enrollment. (An "All day" section will need to be created for course #N92200)
Students who will be receiving Home Instruction for greater than 15 days and may return to the home school:
- The schedule will be divided into Attendance & Academics:
- Attendance: The Elementary Attendance Course will remain in tack, you do not add a blocker to, nor do you end date, the attendance periods.
- Academics: The Academic sections (LA – IN) will be end dated at the home school one day prior to the Home Instruction enrollment. Blocker course # N92200 will be added effective the first day of the Home Instruction enrollment. (An "academics" section will need to be created for course #N92200 with LA-IN selected)
- The schedule at the Home Instruction school will consist of an attendance period and an academic period. The attendance course used is N00066.
Attendance: (same for all students receiving Home Instruction greater than 15 days)
- The school of attendance will batch the attendance for the enrollment dates to Home Instruction using the Home Instruction (HOM) attendance code.
- Positive Attendance will be logged and entered at the Home Instruction school.
- Prior to the end of the year, the use of the HOM code will be reconciled with the total hours of home instruction documented in positive attendance on the Home Instruction calendar.
Grades:(same for all students receiving Home Instruction greater than 15 days)
- The Home Instruction teacher of record will record grades on the grade sheet. The Grade sheet will be uploaded to the students document tab.
- The teacher of record at the home school will incorporate Home Instruction grades into the quarter and/or final grade.
Secondary Students Assigned to Home Instruction for 15 Days or Less:
- The student will have a secondary enrollment to the Home Instruction Calendar. This enrollment will have predefined start and end dates.
- The student will keep their primary enrollment record.
- The schedule at the school of attendance will be end dated one day prior to the Home Instruction enrollment. Blocker course # N92200 will be added effective the first day of the Home Instruction enrollment.
- The schedule at the Home Instruction school will consist of an attendance period and an academic period. The attendance course used is N00066.
- The school of attendance will batch the attendance for the enrollment dates to Home Instruction using the Home Instruction (HOM) attendance code.
- Positive Attendance will be logged and entered at the Home Instruction school.
- Prior to the end of the year, the use of the HOM code will be reconciled with the total hours of home instruction documented in positive attendance on the Home Instruction calendar.
- The Home Instruction teachers of record will record grades on the grade sheet. The Grade sheet will be uploaded to the student's document tab.
- The teacher of record at the home school will incorporate Home Instruction grades into the quarter and/or final grade.
Secondary Students Assigned to Home Instruction for More Than 15 Days:
- The student will have a secondary enrollment to the Home Instruction Calendar. This enrollment will have a predefined start and end dates.
- The student will keep their primary enrollment record.
- The schedule at school of attendance will be end dated one day prior to the Home Instruction enrollment. Blocker course # N92200 will be added effective the first day of the Home Instruction enrollment.
- The schedule at the Home Instruction school will consist of an attendance period and an academic period. The attendance course used is N00066.
- The school of attendance will batch the attendance for the enrollment dates to Home Instruction using the Home Instruction (HOM) attendance code.
- Positive Attendance will be logged and entered at the Home Instruction school.
- Prior to the end of the year, the use of the HOM code will be reconciled with the total hours of home instruction documented in positive attendance on the Home Instruction calendar.
- The Home Instruction teachers of record will record all assignments via the Gradebook in Infinite Campus.
- The Home Instruction teachers of record will record grades on the grade sheet. The Grade sheet will be uploaded to the student's document tab.
- The teacher of record at the home school will incorporate Home Instruction grades into the quarter and/or final grade.
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