Infinite Campus FAQs

  1. I cannot print from infinite campus.
    1. The most likely cause of the error is an Adobe Streaming issue. Stop and restart the Adobe Streaming Agent; Double Click on the Yellow Circle near the clock on the computer Go to the 'My Applications' Tab highlight the xpfAdobeReader93 (or 95) then click the remove button the cached percentage will go down it will vanish and then reload to about 14-18% Once it Does Try to print the document again then call the printer into the helpdesk at 8425 if the document still fails to print.
  2. I am in the Infinite Campus Attendance Wizard and cannot enter student data and/or navigate the wizard; how can this issue be resolved?
    1. The error is commonly caused by a display issue check your screen resolution. Try changing it to a few different sizes until you can see what you need to be able to see. If you are still unable to navigate the system call into the helpdesk at 8425 to send a ticket to infinite campus.
  3. In Infinite Campus the system will not let me enter data. How can I resolve this issue?
    1. Have you been working with the past school year or the future school years data recently? If you have; make sure you are in the correct school year for the information you are trying to enter. If the problem continues please call a ticket into the infinite campus line at 6202 or have the helpdesk enter a ticket for you.
  4. I just changed the password to log into my computer; do I need an Infinite Campus ticket for this also?
    1. If you recently changed your computer password, give ICU about 20 minutes to update. If you are still having trouble getting in, open a ticket for ICU to synchronize your password.