Reviewing cross-enrolled students and their schedules
It is important to identify students that have both a primary at their home school by address and a secondary enrollment at another school. Through working with our Student Data Specialists and our Student Intervention Specialists, we are aware that there are many students that are cross enrolled and did not receive the correct blocker course when schedules were completed at their primary enrollment. I want to share with you an identification method that can help you to identify these students so they can be scheduled properly.
Utilizing the Day Count Report under Index>>>Attendance>>>Reports>>>Day Count we can run a report of all students that have been marked absent for a selected quantity of days. This report allows us to run it not just for all students, or a specified grade level, but also against a created ad hoc filter. Click on Ad Hoc Filter and then select _Demographics/Enrollment:ENR-Cross Enrolled Students. Select a start date of 8/26/2015 and an end date of the current day. You may leave the minimum and maximum absent days blank. Finally, choose to sort by Absent Days. This will produce a list of cross enrolled students and the total absences recorded in their school of enrollment. If a student is 100% attending their secondary enrollment and has done so since the start of their enrollment, they should have 0.0 absences showing. If a student has been marked absent every, or almost every, day there is a high probability that they did not receive the correct blocker course during scheduling. Please use this tool to identify students and then review their enrollment record and schedule to ensure students are properly scheduled with correct blockers.