Office of Human Resources
Qualifying Events
Benefits Eligible Employees are able to make mid year changes, outside of open enrollment, if they experience a qualifying event. A qualifying event, as defined by the IRS is:
Loss of health coverage
Losing existing health coverage, including job-based, individual, and student plans
Losing eligibility for Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP
Turning 26 and losing coverage through a parent’s plan
Changes in household
Getting married or divorced
Having a baby or adopting a child
Death in the family
Changes in residence
Moving to a different ZIP code or county
A student moving to or from the place they attend school
A seasonal worker moving to or from the place they both live and work
Moving to or from a shelter or other transitional housing
Other qualifying events
Changes in your income that affect the coverage you qualify for
Gaining membership in a federally recognized tribe or status as an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation shareholder
Becoming a U.S. citizen
Leaving incarceration (jail or prison)
AmeriCorps members starting or ending their service
Status Change
Moving from a non benefits eligible position to a benefits eligible position
Moving from a benefits eligible position to a non benefits eligible position
When an employee experiences a life event, they must report that event, within 30 days of the event, to the benefits team in ESS. Once we receive the event, we will open their elections in ESS to allow for changes. We email the employee through their CCS email that the elections are open. Once the elections have been submitted, the benefits team processes the changes and communicates those changes to each vendor.
If an employee experiences a status change, the benefits team will proactively open benefits or terminate based on the change.
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