Requests from Social Security Administration

Requests from Social Security Administration

Schools often get requests from the Social Security Administration office or from students/families that need to have their benefits extended. We have provided instructions for the most common types of requests schools receive and how they should be handled.


Social Security Administration Record Requests

These are often delivered via US mail and/or Fax to school buildings. Some may be for current students and some may be for alumni. These requests can be processed as follows:

  1. If the request includes a questionnaire, it can be given to the teacher of record to be completed. The teacher is not required to complete it, but can do so if they want to help the student/family. If the teacher decides not to complete it, please give it to the building administrator.

  2. If the request is for IEP/ETR and they are a current student, you can print and forward a copy of the IEP/ETR. Click HERE for instructions on how to access an IEP/ETR in Infinite Campus

  3. If the request is for a former student, which you no longer have access to the records, please forward the request via school mail to Hudson Distribution Center, ATTN: Division of Special Education

Social Security Advance Notice of Termination of Child’s Benefits (usually High School students only)

You may be asked to assist in completing paperwork for students that will be turning 18, but because they are still in school, are applying to have their benefits extended until they graduate. There is information that will need to be completed by the Guardian/Student on Page 2 of the paperwork, but you may be asked to assist in some sections. We have provided instructions for things that need to be completed and how to complete them. Please see pictures below for reference.

  1. Page 2- The green highlighted areas you may be asked to help with. All other items should be completed by the parent or student. Make sure to consult the students guidance counselor so they can provide an accurate “expected graduation date”.

  2. Page 3- Once you have confirmed information with the students guidance counselor, complete the highlighted areas. Complete the highlighted fields. Check with your administrator to find out who the “School Official” is that will sign the form. This is usually the Guidance counselor, the records secretary or an administrator, but confirm with your Admin who they want. Once complete, page 2 and page 3 will be give back to the student/guardian to submit to the Social Security office.

  3. Page 4 & 5 (usually 1 page, 5 is on the back of page 4 with instructions)-Complete the highlighted sections based on information listed on page 2 of the original form. This form can be placed in binder in the records room.

    1. If a student withdrawals prior to the expected graduation date provided by the guidance counselor and listed on the form, you will complete the rest of the form and send it to the social security field office indicated on the form.

    2. Once the student graduates (hopefully the expected graduation date provided by the guidance counselor), the form can then be destroyed (shredded).


Page 2


Page 3


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
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