
Office of Human Resources


Munis may be accessed by going to the following web address: http://aspdashboard.tylertech.com/default.aspx. You will need to enter your username (datacenter/6425xxxx), and your password. Once the page loads, you will want to click on Live to access the live database.


If you run into any technical issues with Munis, please utilize the grid below to resolve/escalate the issue

Password ResetCall the Help Desk 365-8425
"Server Failed" messageCompletely close out of Munis, and re-open. If you receive the same message that means the server is down and you will need to wait for the server to be restored
Slow Response Time

Ask another Munis user if they are experiencing the same slow response

If YES, it may be a server issue, so wait a few minutes. If the issue persists, let Kathy Martin (x2054) or Mary Gilson (x2071) know.

If NO, completely close out of Munis and then re-opn. If the issue still persists, call the Help Desk, 365-8425, because the issue is with your PC

Scanner IssueReboot your computer. If that doesn't fix the issue, then email Shawntel Lewis
Unfamiliar Error MessageCall Kathy Martin (x2054) or Mary Gilson (x2071)

Columbus City Schools