Behavior Rule Updates and Additions
BEH 110-0090 - Incident MUST have a Resolution
The rule now has a 2-day period between when the Incident is created and when a resolution is required. This was introduced to allow administrators time to create a resolution for Incidents added via the Behavior Referral Module.
This rule will be moved to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing. After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.
BEH 110-0070 - Resolution Details MUST NOT be Empty
This rule was being generated even if there was no resolution created. This didn't happen before the Behavior Module was introduced because all information was entered on the paper form.
Now, this rule will only show a violation if a resolution has been created without details.
This rule will be moved to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing. After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.
BEH 110-0110 - All Incidents MUST Have One or More Events
This is a new rule that captures Incidents with no Events. This can happen if a behavior referral is submitted but the person submitting neglects to create an event and attach one or more students.
This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing. After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.
BEH 110-0120 - Incident in Status SB for More than 3 Days
This is a new rule that shows a violation when there is an incident in "submitted" status for more than 3 days.
This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing. After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.
BEH 110-0130 - Incident in Status IP for More than 10 Days
This is a new rule that shows a violation where there is an incident in "in progress" status for more than 10 days.
This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing. After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.