Behavior Rule Updates and Additions

Behavior Rule Updates and Additions


BEH 110-0090 - Incident MUST have a Resolution

  • The rule now has a 2-day period between when the Incident is created and when a resolution is required.  This was introduced to allow administrators time to create a resolution for Incidents added via the Behavior Referral Module.

  • This rule will be moved to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing.  After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.

BEH 110-0070 - Resolution Details MUST NOT be Empty

  • This rule was being generated even if there was no resolution created.  This didn't happen before the Behavior Module was introduced because all information was entered on the paper form.  

  • Now, this rule will only show a violation if a resolution has been created without details.

  • This rule will be moved to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing.  After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.


BEH 110-0110 - All Incidents MUST Have One or More Events

  • This is a new rule that captures Incidents with no Events.  This can happen if a behavior referral is submitted but the person submitting neglects to create an event and attach one or more students.

  • This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing.  After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.

BEH 110-0120 - Incident in Status SB for More than 3 Days

  • This is a new rule that shows a violation when there is an incident in "submitted" status for more than 3 days.

  • This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing.  After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.

BEH 110-0130 - Incident in Status IP for More than 10 Days 

  • This is a new rule that shows a violation where there is an incident in "in progress" status for more than 10 days.

  • This rule will be set to a severity level 5 for a period of two weeks to allow for testing.  After two weeks, the rule will revert to its previous severity level.

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