Behavior Letter will not print

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If the letter opens with a message ‘No students found’:


If no letters are generated when the Print Letters button is clicked one of the following may have occurred:

  1. Did you use the correct Incident Date for the Effective Date?

  • Effective Date:  The Effective Date is the date of the Incident.   A letter will generate for each student who has an incident date falling on that date, select the correct student and only print that page number.

Behavior Letters will NOT print if you do not have the correct date.

2. Is the Event type compatible with the letter you want to print?

  • The Event Type and Resolution Type must be compatible for a letter to generate.

    • For example, if a student is receiving a letter for a bus suspension, the Event Type must be Level II – School Bus Disruption.  The Resolution Type must be PBIS – Bus ridership suspension.  Also, if a student is receiving an Intent to Suspend or Expel, with or without emergency removals, the Resolution Type must be PBIS-Hearing for the letter to generate, etc. 

Review the Behavior Letter Templates for assistance in determining the correct letter to print. 

3. Is the student's Census (Parent/Guardian, Mailing Address) correct?

  • Verify that the household address has been checked for mailing. 

  • On the Search tab, choose Household from the drop-down menu.  Search for the student.  The student’s household should display in the search results.  Click on the name of the household.

    • Confirm the Household name is displayed at the top of your screen.

    • Click on the address in the Household Location Editor.

    • Check “Mailing” if it is not checked.

    • Click Save.

Review Students without Address for assistance. 

4. Verify that Guardian and Mailing is checked for the parent/guardian of the student.

  • On the Search tab, choose Household from the drop-down menu.  Search for the student.  The student’s household should display in the search results.  Select name of the student.

  • If you do not see the Relationships tab, click on Index > Census > People.

  • Verify that the Guardian and Mailing boxes are checked. Relationship Maintenance

5. Verify the correct resolution is recorded. There are resolutions that are not used at the school building level.  These resolutions are listed below line 100 - Do Not use Codes Below.  If a behavior resolution has been selected below this line a behavior letter will not generate.


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management