Creating Course Sections

Creating Course Sections

When courses are rolled over from the previous school year, all sections of each course are also rolled over. This includes the teacher(s), room, and when the section is offered --period, day(s), and term(s).

A new section of a course can be created in a few simple steps:






Make sure to select the correct school year (next year if you are building next year’s schedule)


Click the Search tab, and select Course/Section from the drop list


Enter a course name or number and click the Go button


Click on the Course name in the search results


Click the Sections tab, then the Add a Section link


Choose a section number. This must be a numeric value between 1-9999*

IMPORTANT: Make sure to follow the Section Numbering Guide so that sections are labeled properly for General Ed, Inclusion, and Special Ed classrooms.

*If you plan to use section numbers longer than 3 digits, make sure to refer to this guide first: Section Number Length



optional Add the maximum students that should be scheduled into this section by the Schedule Wizard. The number in parenthesis ( ) is the maximum value set for the course itself, and will be used if you do not enter a number here.


Add the room number where this section will be taught. If you do not yet know the room number, this can be added later


optional If you are using teams to groups students into courses together, this can be set here. More information on Teams can be found here: Scheduling Teams


optional If this section is a homeroom (usually 1st period), check this box. If not, leave it empty.

Marking Sections as Homeroom


Only if this section is being utilized for a resource room, or when the roster is MOSTLY special education students, set the Student Population Override to SE as shown. Otherwise, leave the default setting. This would apply to all sections with section numbers 200 and higher, per the Section Numbering Guide mentioned in step 6.


Check the boxes that correspond to the period, days, and terms the course is being offered. Follow the Section Placement guide here: Section Schedule Placement




Click the Create Section button. This will complete the process for the initial creation of the section. Follow the steps below to add the teacher(s) to the section.


Once you have created the section following the steps above, you need to add a teacher. To do this, click on the Staff History tab and choose New Primary Teacher.



Choose the correct teacher name from the drop-list.

You do not need to fill out any additional fields on the Staff History Detail screen. Click the Save button when completed.




After you click Save, the teacher name will automatically populate in the Teacher Display Name field on the Section tab. This is what will display when searching for sections, on student schedules, and report cards.



optional You can add additional teachers to the section by clicking on the New Teacher button. This is done for inclusion sections, where the primary teacher is the Gen Ed teacher, and an Intervention Specialist is the secondary teacher. This can be repeated for as many teachers as you need. You can only have one primary teacher, but you can have several secondary teachers.



optional You can also add section staff to the section by clicking the New Section Staff button. This will allow these staff members to view the students in the section, as well as being able to see the students in third-party applications like iReady and ALEKS Math. Section Staff do NOT have access to edit grades or attendance.



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