Section Numbering Guide

Section Numbering Guide

In order to have consistency for SPED courses, we began using the following numbering system in the 2022-2023 school year. Below are the section numbers that should be used to differentiate between the student populations in each course.

Section #

Classroom Setting

Student Group


General Education




General Ed & Special Ed students on one roster, with one Gen Ed teacher and one intervention specialist assigned to the course


CHIP Resource Room

Hearing Impaired


TDH Resource Room

update for 24-25 - No longer a separate resource room



Tutor Resource Room

Students who receive 1 period of special education services per day with a tutor,and  are scheduled into gen ed courses the remainder of the day


Cross-Categorical Resource Room

Includes special education students across all high-incidence disabilities, including ED.  Cross-categorical RRs should have an instructional assistant assigned if there are ED students on the roster


High-Incidence Resource Room

Includes special education students across all high-incidence disabilities, with the exception of ED.

update for 24-25

This designation includes students formerly considered “TDH (Transitional Developmentally Handicapped).”


MD Resource Room

Low-incidence students are assigned to the multiple disabilities room for special education services


ED Resource Room

Includes only students with the ED designation, and requires an instructional assistant


Orthopedic Impairment Resource Room

Includes only students with OI needs

NOTE: Courses with the “E” suffix will no longer be used. The only exceptions are Adapted Physical Education (APE) and Vocational Studies courses that are specifically for SPED students.

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