Limited Contract (1 year)

Office of Human Resources

Limited Contract (1 year)

All new teachers are offer a 1 year Limited Contract and will continue to receive a limited contract on an annual basis until they have been employed with CCS for at least 3 years (See Continuing Contract for more information on what potentially happens after 3 years of service). By April 30th of each school year, the teacher must be provided with written notice of whether or not CCS intends to reemploy them. However, if the teacher chooses to end their employment with CCS, they must provide written notification by June 30th. 

In addition to the contract, each employee receiveS a Notice of Proposed Assignment which lists their work location, position and salary for the upcoming school year. For examples of each, review the links below.

Limited Contract            Notice of Proposed Assignment - Limited Contract



Location in Contract

For more information regarding Limited Contracts for teacher, refer to the CEA Master Agreement, page 47, section 401.16, bullets E & F

Columbus City Schools