Elementary Schools will generate the Master Schedule Report for review. Below are instructions on how to generate the report, review and identify needed updates, and how to submit a ticket to have changes made to your Master Schedule. A checklist has been provided at the bottom of the page for schools to verify that all data has been reviewed on the Master Schedule Report.
Step One: Generate the Master Schedule Report
The Master Schedule Report allows schools to verify sections, teams, and teacher assignments for next school year. To run the report:
Select the next school year from the drop-down menu. (Remember to change the year back when completing current year tasks).
On the Index tab, click Scheduling > Reports > Master Schedule.
Keep all settings and generate the report.
Step Two: Verify the information on the Master Schedule Report
For the Elementary Attendance Course:
Verify the section number. (ES- Course Section Numbering)
Verify the name of the teacher.
Verify the room number.
Verify the team name. (Elementary School Teams)
Every Teacher with a homeroom should have an Elementary Attendance Section.
For all Curriculum Courses:
Verify section numbers listed under each course.
Verify the name of the teacher.
Verify the team name.
Verify the correct period is marked for each course.
Step Three: Submit requested changes and updates through the TDX system
Schools that require changes to the section/teacher/team information found on their Master Schedule report will submit those changes in an Infinite Campus Support Ticket. (DO NOT SEND AN EMAIL) A new category has been created for all ES Master Scheduling tickets. All changes to the Master Scheduling Build will be due to the Infinite Campus Core Team by 3/8/24.
To submit a ticket follow the steps below:
You can submit an Infinite Campus Support ticket by clicking the link on the Infinite Campus login screen. Click 'Submit a Support Ticket”.
On the TDX webpage, click the Scheduling section.
On the Scheduling page, click Elementary Master Scheduling.
On the Elementary Master Scheduling page, click Open a Ticket.
Use the subject line: ‘Master Schedule Build Updates’.
Schools can type in their changes in the body of the ticket or indicate changes directly on their printed Master Schedule Report and upload it to the ticket. A Word or Excel document indicating changes can also be uploaded and attached to the ticket. All communication about the changes will be done using the TDX ticket system. If there are questions from the Infinite Campus Core Team, the school will be sent a message directly from the created ticket.
Master Scheduling Review Checklist
Use the checklist below to verify that all data on the Master Schedule Report has been reviewed.
| Task |
| Scheduling Group (Teams) are all correct. |
| Every Teacher with a homeroom has an Elementary Attendance Section. |
| Room numbers are correct on each Elementary Attendance and Pre-K Attendance Section. |
| Splits are identified with the appropriate section number. |
| Primary Teacher is assigned to every section. (The label ‘Vacancy’ will be used for unknown teacher sections). |
| Verify that all the applicable periods are checked for each content area section. Check every Grade Level: Elementary Attendance = H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 |
| Each subject area has a team assigned. |
| Are there any grade levels that will departmentalize content area? Verify that the correct Primary Teacher is listed for subject in which the teachers departmentalize. Example: |
| All Elementary Schools should have one section of the following blocker courses:
and at least 3 sections under the N/A course:
| Unable to Locate/No Show/ Located not Attending sections should have the Principal assigned as the Primary Teacher. |
| Special Education - Verify if Sped teachers will have their own sections. |