Grade Book - Grade Calc Options

Grade Calculations

The grade calculation options are the preferences you select to determine how the Grade Book calculates In Progress grades. The options selected in this tool determine how In Progress Grades are calculated in the Grade Book. If No Calculation is selected, no data calculates in the In Progress section of the Grade Totals.

Viewing In Progress Grades in the Grade Book

The options selected in this tool determine how In Progress Grades are calculated in the Grade Book. 

Location: Grade Book > expand Settings menu > Grade Calc Options;


If No Calculation is selected, no grade data calculates and the In Progress section will not appear in the grade book.



Location: Grade Book > expand Settings menu > Grade Calc Options;

  1. For each Term, Select a Calculation Type:  "In Progress Grade".

  2. Grading Scale:  (REQUIRED for In Progress to appear in grade book and student portal) 

    1. From the drop-down menu, select MS Marks or HS Marks

  3. Additional Options for In Progress grading

    1. Weight Categories:  This is optional setting, if you entered weights for your categories, check the box.

    2. Use Scores Percent Value:  MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT SELECT THIS OPTION.  Marking this checkbox calculates scores based on the percentage of points earned for each assignment rather than the raw point value across all assignments. For example, two assignments are scored as 8/10 and 100/100. The point value calculated for these two assignments would be 108/110, or 98%. The percent value calculated would be 80% and 100%, or 90% for the Category. If this option is chosen, all assignments aligned to the Standard must be worth more than zero points.

    3. Limit Assignments to Last ___ This option limits the grade calculation to only include the most recent x number of assignments. For example, proficiency in a standard may be calculated as the mode of the most recent 5 assignments.

    4. Cumulative Grading Starting in This option allows teachers to set a starting term for calculating grading across multiple terms.

  4. Repeat step 1 and 2 for each Term in the section.

Establish Composite Grading Rules

The Grade Calculation Options tool also includes Composite Grading rules in Campus Instruction. These rules indicate when a grading task or standard is calculated using child tasks or standards, such as a semester task that is calculated from two quarter tasks.

Composite Grading can be set up here by the teacher.  The final grading task must be marked composite for a Final percentage to appear in the grade book. 


Final Grading Task

  1. Once Composite is check-marked the Child Task/Standard displays

  2. Click Add and select each Child/Task (quarter/term) for each term you want to include in the final average. 

  3. Enter a weight for every Child/Task. 

  4. The Child Task / Standards along with the weight entered indicates how the final In Progress grade is calculated.

  1.   Click Save.



Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management