Update Household Phone Number

Update Household Phone Number

You can easily change your household phone number through the parent portal. Your household phone number is the main phone number that your household will received Columbus City Schools district automated calls. It is the first phone number that staff will call to reach you. It is imperative that this number be accurate so that you can be reached.


Sign in to your parent portal account.

Parent Portal Link


Once you have logged into your account, click on the “More” Tab.


Click on “Address Information”.


Remember, you can only change your household phone number in this step. Your address on file shows up under the Primary (Mailing) address on this screen.


Update your phone number as shown below.

The new phone number will update immediately into Infinite Campus.

Now that you have completed updating your household number, you can click on “Back” if you wish to return to the previous screen. If not, you can logout.