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This guidance provides assistance to schools for the use of attendance codes to record student attendance.   The reason for attendance and type of documentation received determine which attendance code to use.

Attendance events are modified when the reason code or comments are changed.  This happens when the school receives either written or verbal notification of the the reason for the absence.  

A comment must be entered when any attendance code is used, with the exception of Absent Unknown and Absent Unexcused. A comment providing details to the excuse code must be entered in each period for the respective excuse code.  

If an attendance event or code needs to be changed, see the guidelines here for more details on changing an attendance code. 

Attendance Codes 
CodeDefinitionSituationStatus TypeExcuse TypeDocumentation Needed


Class ExcusedStudent not physically present, but is participating in a school-approved activity. Present


Attendance  Roster  of  School Structured Activity (Field Trip, Extra Curricular Club, Off Campus Event), Attendance Roster of Athletic Team 


Death of RelativeDeath of immediate family member or relative. The absence arising from this event is limited to a period of three days unless a reasonable cause may be shown by the applicant child for a longer absence.Absent


Copy of Obituary, Memorial Card or Copy of Death Certificate.


Excused AbsenceCode is for verified student absences. Student excuse notes required to document absence.AbsentEXCUSEDCourt Notice, Observation of Religious Holiday documentation, College Visit Excuse Note from Admissions Office, Absences Excused by Principal on the Request for Principal Approval of an Excused Absence Form,  or other documentation as outlined by Board Policy 5200.01. 


Early LeaveParent/Guardian is signing out a student and  provides documentation of excuse.AbsentEXCUSEDStudent must be signed out on Student Release Log and have same documentation as required  for EXC.


Early Leave UnexcusedParent/Guardian is signing a student out of school and fails to provide documentation of excused absence.AbsentUNEXCUSEDStudent Release Log


Foster Care ExcusedStudent recently had a change in Foster Care Guardianship that has resulted in an absence or student was absent due to a Foster Care related court appearance.AbsentEXCUSEDAddendum D of the ICCA (Individual Childcare Agreement) or  court documentation. 


Home InstructionThis code applies to students absent from school and assigned home instruction by the Home Instruction Office, and do not have a Secondary Enrollment to Home Instruction.AbsentEXEMPTHome  Instruction Approval Letter 


InstitutionalizedCode applies to those students admitted to a psychiatric hospital, treatment center, or substance abuse facility.AbsentEXEMPTCourt Documents, Facility Document


Staggered Start KindergartenBeginning of the Year Staggered StartAbsentEXEMPTOfficial District Calendar, Letter from School
LBLate BusStudent has been prevented from attending class due to district provided transportation issues.AbsentEXCUSEDBus Route Roster/Log of Late Busses, Transportation Verification
MEDMedicalStudent was absent due to medical reasons such as illness, injury, medical appointment, or medical reasons indicated by Medical Professional or approved by Principal.AbsentEXCUSEDMedical Professional Excuse Note or Letter from Medical Professional, Principal Approval for an Excused Absence Form indicating the absence is for medical reasons.
MELMedical Early LeaveParent/Guardian is signing out a student due to medical reasons such as illness, injury, medical appointment or other medical reasons indicated by Medical Professional or approved by Principal and  provides documentation of excuse (from Medical Professional or Request for Principal Approval of An Excused Absence Form)AbsentEXCUSEDStudent must be signed out on Student Release Log and have same documentation as required  for MED.
MLAMedical Late ArrivalThis is used when a student is reporting to school after the official start of the school day and provides documentation of an absence due to illness, injury or medical appointment, as outlined by Board Policy 5200.01.AbsentEXCUSEDStudent must be signed in on Late Arrival Log and have same documentation as required for MED.


Medical with Class Work 

Code applies to students determined as medically fragile or chronically ill.  These students are under physician care and have disabilities documented by a physician.AbsentEXEMPTDocumentation from Medical Professional, IEP, Documentation from teacher that work was completed.  See District Guidelines on Coding for Medical Issues.
NCHNationwide Children's HospitalStudents that are admitted to Nationwide Children’s Hospital and being taught by CCS teachers onsite at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.AbsentEXEMPTNationwide Children’s Hospital Average Daily Membership (ADM) Report or Notification letter/email from CCS teachers at NCH or program supervisor.
Parent Authorized absence codes are absences reported by the parent/guardian for board approved excused activity that does not have supporting documentation. A parent/guardian is allowed to excuse 9 attendance days using these codes. After 9, additional documentation is required.


Parent Authorized AbsenceParent provides absence note for board approved excused activity but does not provide supporting documentation. To be used for full-day absences only.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note


Parent Authorized Early LeaveParent provides dismissal note for board approved excused activity but does not provide the supporting documentation for the ELV code.  Parent signature is required on the documentation.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note, Student Release Log, signed by Parent/Guardian.


Parent Authorized Late ArrivalParent provides tardy note for board approved excused activity but does not provide the supporting documentation for the TEX code.  Parent signature is required on the documentation.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note, Student Release Log, signed by Parent/Guardian.


Project Connect ExcusedStudent is homeless or in transition and has been identified by Project Connect.AbsentEXCUSEDStudent must be flagged as Project Connect for the date associated with the absence.  Parent note documenting reason related to a student’s homeless/in-transition situation.


Staggered Start Pre-KBeginning of the Year Staggered StartAbsentEXEMPTOfficial District Calendar, Letter from School
PMDParent MedicalA parental excuse for a full day of absence for a medical reason.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note

PMELParent Medical Early LeaveA parental excuse for an early leave for a medical reason.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note, Student Release Log, signed by Parent/Guardian.
PMLAParent Medical Late ArrivalA parental excuse for a late arrival for a medical reason.AbsentEXCUSEDParent Note, Student Release Log, signed by Parent/Guardian.


Tardy ExcusedThis is used when a student is reporting to school after the official start of the school day and provides documentation of an excused absence as outlined by Board Policy 5200.01.AbsentEXCUSEDStudent must be signed in on Late Arrival Log and have same documentation as required for EXC.


Truancy Intervention CenterCode applies to students assigned to the Truancy Intervention Center.AbsentEXEMPTDocumentation from Truancy Intervention Center


Tardy to ClassThis documents a student that was present in the building, but tardy to class.  Not to be used when student is late to the building and signed in tardy.PresentUNEXCUSEDTeacher Attendance Entry


Tardy Unexcused This is used when a student is reporting to school after the official start of the school day. AbsentUNEXCUSEDStudent Late Arrival Log


Transportation Wait PeriodThis is used when there is an absence due to a scheduling delay in district provided transportation.AbsentEXCUSEDDocumentation verifying delay (such as an email or written documentation of verbal conversation confirming delay).


Unexcused Absence Student absences that have not been verified. School office has not received parent excuse note, documentation or notification as to the reason for absence or the reason for absence is not excusable as per Board Policy 5200.01.AbsentUNEXCUSEDN/A
VPRTParticipated in Virtual DayUsed to replace the Unexcused Absence Code when a student was not checked-in for virtual learning but documentation was received from the parent, teacher or admin that the student participated. PresentEXCUSEDStudent Absence Change Request Form or email documentation from the teacher or building administrator. 
TPDTeacher Participation DiscrepancyUsed when a teacher is electing to use option 2 to indicate that a student indicated they participated in virtual learning but did not meet the participation standard as determined by teacher discretion. AbsentUNEXCUSED

Teacher must document the discrepancy in the PLP Contact Log and then email the building administrator notifying them of the discrepancy.  The building administrator will in form the secretary via email to update the attendance if appropriate.


The secretary must enter an attendance comment when updating the attendance. 

The comment shall read:  "[Teacher Name] has indicated the student has not met the participation standard.

Attendance Codes Associated with Behavior Resolutions


DefinitionSituationStatus TypeExcuse TypeDocumentation Needed


In School SuspensionThis code applies to a student assigned to In-School Suspension status.PresentEXEMPTBehavior Resolution, ISS, Attendance Roster


Out-of-school suspension with homeworkStudent is absent from class because of an out-of-school suspension.  Homework is assigned during the length of suspension.AbsentUNEXCUSED

See out of School Suspension Procedures Guidelines.


Positive Alternative for StudentsThis code applies to students assigned to PALS Center as a result of discipline infractionAbsentEXEMPTAssignment to PALS Centers in agreement with school administrator and parent.
RMVDisciplinary Removal

Student is removed from school pending a parent/guardian hearing

AbsentUNEXCUSEDHearing Resolution, Behavior Letter
Frequently Asked Coding Questions and Common Coding Concerns
  • Family Emergency – Initially coded as UNX (Unexcused); A Request for Principal Approval Form can be submitted for approval. If approved by Principal the absence coding can be changed to EXC* (Excused).
  • Family Vacation - See Administrative Guidelines On Coding For Family Vacations (5200.01). A Request for Principal Approval Form must be submitted for approval.
  • Early Dismissal for Doctor’s Appointment – Parent has signed the Student Release Log and indicated the reason of Doctor’s Appointment, written note from Doctor was not provided. This should be coded as PMEL. This code should be changed to MEL once documentation is received from the Doctor.
  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital – This code is only to be used for students that are admitted to Nationwide Children’s Hospital AND BEING TAUGHT by CCS teachers onsite at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This code is NOT to be used for regular doctor appointments at Nationwide Children’s Hospital facilities. The documentation required for this code is: Nationwide Children’s Hospital Average Daily Membership (ADM) Report or Notification letter/email from CCS teachers at NCH or program supervisor.
  • Late Arrival for Car Trouble – This is not an excusable reason and is to be coded as TUX (Tardy Unexcused).
  • Field Trips – When students participate in a field trip, it is important that all parties understand their role in the attendance taking procedures. On the day of the trip, the supervising individual must provide a roster indicating who is actually attending the field trip. This list must be provided to the attendance office prior to leaving the building. The attendance office will use the provided roster to edit the attendance code to CLS (class excused) for the period of time that the students were out of the building. Teachers that are not participating in the field trip should take electronic attendance. If the teacher has students absent, due to their participation in a field trip, the teacher should mark those students absent.

Coding "Appointments"

When a parent indicates in a phone call, attendance note, or on the Late Arrival/Early Release Log, that a student's absence was due to an "appointment", the type of appointment must be specified.  The reason "appointment" is not a board approved reason for an excused absence.  The appointment type, such as a doctor/dentist appointment, must be indicated.

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