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For the purpose of data integrity and validation every school is to maintain their attendance data.  Attendance documentation and filing must be maintained according to the type of attendance documentation   There are two types of attendance documentation.  Daily Attendance Documentation and Individual Student Attendance Documentation.   

Daily Attendance Files

For the purpose of data integrity and validation every school is to maintain attendance documentation and filing MUST be maintained in the order outlined below.  

At the end of each school year all attendance documentation must be filed in the approved box, clearly labeled, and stored in your building for the applicable retention periodPlease refer to the Records Retention Schedule Records Retention Schedule or contact the Division of Registrar for questions regarding the retention of student records. 

Daily Attendance Files

Your Student Data Specialist has provided labels for the attendance files.  The labels are for each school day of the school year.  These files must contain the following documents:


View file
nameDaily Attendance Folder Labels 24-25.docx

Individual Student Attendance Documentation

Documentation for Individual Students must be uploaded to the student's Attendance Repository on the student's Attendance Tab.  This documentation includes the following types of attendance documentation:
