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The following exceptions for entering electronic attendance are: substitute teachers, or teachers without access to a computer at the time attendance is required, or when the student information system cannot be accessed due to power, network, or system outages.  All teachers are to have a Sub Paper roster generated and printed from Infinite Campus in the classroom in the event of such exceptions. If the teacher is using the Sub Attendance Paper Roster or Register Report, the teacher should mark each student with either Present (P), Absent(A), or Tardy (T).

The teacher will send the attendance roster (Register Report or Sub Attendance Roster) to the office before the end of each period.  All substitute teachers will have an Infinite Campus-generated student roster for each period; they will complete and send it to the office before the end of each period. The secretary will enter the attendance through the Classroom Monitor and file the attendance rosters in the appropriate daily attendance folder. 


  • Enter attendance rosters for substitute teachers, teachers without access to a computer, and when the student information system cannot be accessed.

  • Enter Process late arrivals using the Attendance Scan Kiosk.

    View file
    nameScan kiosk directions.docx
    This process will only calculate minutes accurately for students TUX and LB. If the student is tardy with a Board Approved Excuse, you will need to adjust their attendance accordingly.

  • Generate the Caller Report at the end of the first period, or the beginning of 2nd period, after all Attendance is entered.

  • Enter Process the early leaves using the Attendance Scan Kiosk.

    View file
    nameScan kiosk directions.docx

  • It is recommended to print the register report daily during the first week of school. After the first week of school, it is recommended to print the Register Report weekly, or as students are scheduled into the course. Teachers will still need to enter their attendance electronically. The only time the paper Register or Sub roster will be utilized and submitted to the office is when there is a substitute teacher or Infinite Campus is down. The Secretary will retain these rosters as documentation and file them in their daily attendance file.




All teachers must enter their attendance electronically. School Secretaries can enter attendance from an Infinite Campus-generated roster for substitute teachers and teachers who do not have access to a computer.  It is recommended the attendance roster is signed & dated by the teacher submitting the attendance before sending it to the office.

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The instructions/screenshots below are for the New Look of Infinite Campus. For directions using the Classic Look of Infinite Campus, use the directions at the bottom of this page.

Want to know more about the 👀 New Look? Click here.

New Look of Infinite Campus

Printing the Register Report for Teachers

There are three different attendance rosters (aka Registers) that can be generated. 




  • Index > Attendance > Reports > Attendance Register by Period (This is the preferred report)

  • Index > Attendance > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster 

  • Index > Attendance > Reports > Register (This report cannot be generated by teachers)  


Period Attendance Entry Step-by-Step

Classroom teachers are responsible for submitting attendance through Infinite Campus Instruction.   It is recommended teachers have a current printed Attendance Register by Period for every period available, in the event they do not have access to enter attendance electronically.  The secretary will use the roster for attendance entry through Classroom MonitorAttendance not recorded on an Infinite Campus-generated roster should not be accepted.

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Step One - Verify Classroom Attendance Has Been Entered

Use the Classroom Monitor to verify that attendance has been entered by the teacher.  It is also used to enter student attendance for sub-teachers or teachers without computer access.


  1. Throughout the day, check the Classroom Monitor for completion of attendance for courses.  

  2. Use the scroll bar to see all classes

    1. Sections appearing in pink indicate that attendance has not been taken for that course.  Sections appearing in green indicate that attendance has been entered for that course.  Notice that the number of students present displays the number of students scheduled into a course.

  3. Hover over the course to view the course number, section number, the course name, and the room number.

  4. For a printable list of teachers who have not entered attendance Generate an Incomplete Teacher Attendance report Break

Step Two - Enter Classroom Attendance using Classroom Monitor

Enter the Infinite Campus generated paper roster received for a teacher who is subbing, for a teacher who does not have computer access or the computer is not working.  The absences must be entered using the Classroom Monitor. 



Attendance Taking Blocker Courses

Students scheduled into Attendance Taking Blocker Courses must be marked absent daily in the classroom monitor.  Attendance must be entered on the No Show, Unable to Locate and Located Not Attending blocker courses daily.  For more information on these courses, visit the attendance blocker section of Attendance Schedule Blockers

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Step Three - Late Arrivals

Students who arrive after the official start of school are considered to be tardy to school and must sign in at the school's designated attendance area. When a student arrives at school late, the student is to log their arrival in the Attendance Scan Kiosk using their student number or student success ID cards. If the Attendance Scan Kiosk is down or unavailable, then the student should be logging their first and last name, the arrival time, and the reason for their tardiness on the Late Arrival log.   This log is a paper document that will be used to record the information in Infinite Campus. The log must be maintained in the corresponding daily attendance file.  


CLASSIC PATH: Index > Attendance > Attendance Wizard


Step Six - Printing the Caller Report

The Caller Report prints : prints a list of students who are marked as absent unknown and includes the parent/guardian names, home phone number, work phone number, and parent/guardian email.  This report only prints students marked with an “A” (Absent Unknown) in the Classroom Monitor.  File this report in the Daily Attendance File.

CLASSIC PATH: Index Tab > Attendance > Daily Attendance > Caller Report

The Caller Report will generate with a list of students who have an Unknown absence for any period until the time the report is being generated. The report includes the guardian guardian’s information, including name and contact numbers. Break


The Daily Attendance tool allows a user to see at a glance all students who have an attendance event (absence/ tardy/early leave etc.) for a selected day.  From here, a user with the proper rights may also edit an attendance event. 

CLASSIC PATH:  Index > Attendance > Daily Attendance


When a student leaves school early, the parent/student must sign them out on the Attendance Scan Kiosk. If the Attendance Scan Kiosk is down, then the parent must sign-out the student on the Student Release log (the student's first and last name, time, reason, and the parent/guardian's signature).  This log is a paper document that will be used to record the information in Infinite Campus. The log must be maintained with the daily attendance files.

Just like late arrivals, if the Attendance Scan Kiosk is down, early leaves will be entered using the Batch mode in the Attendance Wizard.  This process will calculate minutes accurately for students, but will not interfere with attendance that may have been entered by teachers for other period(s).  


To prevent inaccurate data entries, enter Early Leaves at the end of the day.  If a student leaves early then returns, the time of leaving and the time of return will be recorded accurately. 


Path: Index > Attendance > Attendance Wizard


Student Attendance File - Student excuses are to be uploaded to their Attendance Documents tab.

It is required that all attendance documentation be stored at the school for 1 year. (EX. 23/24 SY attendance is kept for the entire school year, when the year ends, 23/24 can be sent to Document Shredding, and the 24/25 would be filed for the year)
