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Average Daily Membership (ADM) and Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Detail Report

This report calculates Average Daily Membership & Average Daily Attendance based off either Whole Day & Half Day attendance defined in the calendar, or using an exact minute calculation. It summarizes the data by student, grade and calendar for the date range entered. Blank dates default to the start/end dates of the calendar.  This is a very complex report, please make sure only your school is selected in the field ‘Which calendar(s) would you like to include in the report?’ field.


Attendance Change Tracking Report (ACTR)

This report will extract attendance changes that have been made for the selected attendance date range during the selected modification time frame. Each modification to a student’s section attendance is displayed in a separate row so please try to limit the length of the Attendance Date Range entered. The report can be printed in two formats CSV and HTML.  It is required that this report be ran monthly and stored in an electronic location that is accessible to the building principal. It is recommended it be ran weekly.  



The Behavior Attendance Audit report identifies students who have behavior resolutions not linked to an entry in their attendance record, or attendance codes not linked to a behavior resolution type.  If attendance modification from Behavior Management has been enabled the attendance created from a Behavior Resolution report will display instances where an attendance record was created from a Behavior Resolution.

Day Count Report – Perfect Attendance with No Tardy Marks

This report calculates Whole Day & Half Day attendance based on the number of minutes defined for the school, and sums and filters the totals based on the report options selected.  This could be used to find which students qualify for Perfect Attendance, as long as they do not have any tardy marks.


Attendance Summary Report

The Attendance Summary Report can be generated by Student number or Grade Level to show the attendance summary for students.  See next page for instructions on how to run this report.


Authorized Absences

This report contains a list of students who have authorized absence days.

Period Detail Batch Report

This report will batch print student attendance period detail, 1 page or 2 pages per student suitable for handing out to students.


Tardy and Early Leave by Date Report

This report displays a list of students by date that have been marked as tardy or coded with an early leave.


Tardy and Early Leave by Name Report

This report displays a list of students by name that have been marked as tardy or coded with an early leave.



Please check the Attendance Reports module frequently. New reports are added periodically. There are some attendance reports that have been created specifically for CCS in the Ad Hoc Reports area: Attendance Summary by Team, Attendance Summary by Year, Absence Marked Unknown, and Unexcused Tardies.

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The Summary Report lists all attendance events recorded on a specific day.

Path: Index>Attendance>Daily Attendance>Summary Report


  1. Infinite Campus will default to the current date. In the Date field enter the desired date to generate the report
  2. Select Summary Report at the top of the tab. The Report will generate.








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