There have been some new, exciting tools introduced in the District recently! There's Certify that not only shows you the data score for your school, but you can immediately update information as needed and not have to generate some of those cumbersome reports, like the Attendance Change Tracker and the Behavior Attendance Audit. It will also give you a list of students newly enrolled in your school for that day! Then there's Scrib Order for high school secretaries who receive requests for transcripts. They will no longer have to field a variety of requests or handle the money - it's all done online! Also, there are changes in some of the processes like the Truancy Warning letters - you no longer have to upload them to the student's Documents tab! Cool, huh? And, parent/guardians can now update their home telephone number in the Parent Portal - and it's updated immediately! They can also update household member contact information - like contact numbers and email addresses! LobbyGuard is the visitor management system that was deployed in all schools the beginning of January.
Certify by Certica Solutions, is a data monitoring tool that is being used by Columbus City Schools. Certify will notify users based on their school and their job title, regardless of who entered the information, when discrepancies - or what they call violations - are found between rules that were created and data entered. The Rules were created with the help of a lot of people - the people at Certica and mostly by people very familiar to you - Jason Vance, Greg Wisniewski, and your Student Data Specialists. View detailed information in the Certify page in the Infinite Campus Dashboard or click here: Certify
The email you receive will look like this in your inbox - look it even knows my name!
ScribOrder is the new application high school secretaries will use to process transcript and other data requests from students and former students. All high school records secretaries were introduced to the product in a meeting on January 17. For more information, go to or for technical assistance, email or call (877) 287-6512. Note: this product will not be used for school records requests at this time.
Truancy Warning Letters
The truancy warning letters will continue to function as our letters of notification to parents after seven (7) days of unexcused absences not 3 days. Also, you no longer have to upload them to the student's Documents tab. When generating the letters, there's a checkbox option to Update the PLP Contact log. Verify that Yes is selected. To view the letters that have been generated,
If a contact log is recorded, it displays as such. If a user determines the student should not receive the letter after letters print, resetting that student's record removes the contact log entry.
The PLP log also allows you to record new communications made via telephone, email, in person, fax, or a letter with student.
Path: > Index > Student Information > PLP > General
Starting this month, the main offices in all Columbus City Schools will begin asking visitors to sign-in and present identification (such as a driver’s license) to be scanned into our new LobbyGuard digital visitor management system.
Using the information from a driver’s license or state identification card, the LobbyGuard system determines if and how the visitor is connected to the school - either as a parent/guardian, regular volunteer, or District-approved vendor - and whether that person has permission to enter the building. The system also prints a self-adhesive visitor badge so all guests to the building are easily identified. Any visitor not wearing a badge should be escorted back to the front office.
The system will also check the scanned information against a national database of registered sex offenders as well as school-entered information on individuals who have previously been asked to stay off the building property.
This new security feature does not replace the valuable safety supervision of our school secretaries, front office staff, and building principals, who often best know who should and shouldn’t be inside our buildings.
We also know that not all of our guests have driver’s license or valid photo ID. We hope you will work with those families ahead of time. Once a building administrator has approved for someone to enter the building, the LobbyGuard system will remember the name and picture for future use.
A letter about the new LobbyGuard system was scheduled to go out to all families through the schools during the first week in January. If you have questions, please call the Safety & Security office at 614-365-5638.