Sending Records Electronically to Student & 3rd parties via ScribOrder

Transcripts can now be uploaded and sent electronically from the ScribOrder system, to students or 3rd parties instead of being mailed via U.S. mail, PROVIDED THAT THE FOLLOWING IS OBSERVED:


  1. Students must pass the ScribCheck Verification Results.  If students do not pass the ScribCheck Verification, the order cannot be processed until ID and/or acceptable proof of address is received.  Students have 15 days to provide the requested documentation

  2. Students must pass the ScribCheck Verification Results.  If students do not pass the ScribCheck Verification, the order cannot be processed until ID and/or acceptable proof of address is received.  Students have 15 days to provide the requested documentation


3rd parties such as Education Verification Companies, Correctional Facilities, Attorneys or Employers must upload a signed release to the order just as they do when records are mailed via U.S. mail.  3rd parties have 15 days to provide the signed release.

Please note that processing an education verification does not require that a transcript be uploaded and sent electronically or mailed via U.S. mail.  An education verification is simply a statement that states that the applicant attended a certain school and did or did not graduate.  If the applicant graduated, the date of graduation should be included.  If the applicant did not graduate, the dates of attendance should be included.




Please follow these steps:

  1. Transcripts or records should be uploaded to the top blue box, within the order, as displayed below, in order to send the record electronically via ScribOrder.

  2. Click the ‘Sign & Send’ button and choose the appropriate email link.  If the record goes to the educational institution, choose the educational institution email link.  If the record goes to the applicant, choose the applicant email link. 

  3. Do not upload the transcript to the bottom blue box.  The bottom blue box houses ID, proof of address and signed release documents that applicants and 3rd parties are required to upload to the order as requested.

  4. Click the blue ‘Send Link’ button.

  5. Click the green ‘Approve Request’ button.

  6. Choose the appropriate approval template and click the blue ‘Approve’ button.






Records that are uploaded to be sent electronically, should be saved using the ‘Student Name’ instead of the ‘Student Number’ to ensure that the wrong file isn’t accidentally transmitted to the wrong person.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management