Attendance Codes**

Attendance Codes**

This guidance provides assistance to schools in the use of codes to record student attendance.  Attendance codes enable schools to record and monitor attendance and absence in a consistent way.  They are also used for collecting statistics through the Infinite Campus. The data helps schools  gain a greater understanding of the level of, and the reasons for, absences.

Attendance events are modified when the reason code or comments are changed.  This happens when the school receives notification either written or verbal as to the reason for the absence.  CCS has a Guidelines for Verifying Proper Attendance Coding & Correcting Attendance Data Errors.  If a student is absent, a comment must be entered for any attendance code used with the exception of Absent Unknown and Absent Unexcused. A comment providing details to the excuse code must be entered in each period for the respective excuse code. See the guidelines here for more details. 

Common Coding Concerns

  • Family Emergency – Initially coded as UNX (Unexcused); A Request for Principal Approval Form can be submitted for approval. If approved by Principal the absence coding can be changed to EXC* (Excused).

  • Family Vacation - See Administrative Guidelines On Coding For Family Vacations (5200.01). A Request for Principal Approval Form must be submitted for approval.

  • Early Dismissal for Doctor’s Appointment – Parent has signed the Student Release Log and indicated the reason of Doctor’s Appointment, written note from Doctor was not provided. This should be coded as PAEL (Parent Authorized Early Leave). This code should be changed to ELV once documentation is received from the Doctor.

  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital – This code is only to be used for students that are admitted to Nationwide Children’s Hospital AND BEING TAUGHT by CCS teachers onsite at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This code is NOT to be used for regular doctor appointments at Nationwide Children’s Hospital facilities. These regular appointments should be coded as EXC, TEX or ELV provided proper documentation is received.

  • Late Arrival for Car Trouble – This is not an excusable reason and is to be coded as TUX (Tardy Unexcused).  

  • Late Arrival because CCS Transportation did not come - See Administrative Guidelines for Coding Attendance Due to Transportation Issues (5200f).

  • Field Trips – When students participate in a field trip, it is important that all parties understand their role in the attendance taking procedures. On the day of the trip, the supervising individual should provide a roster indicating who is actually attending the field trip. This list must be provided to the attendance office prior to leaving the building. The attendance office will use the provided roster to edit the attendance code to CLS (class excused) for the period of time that the students were out of the building. Teachers that are not participating in the field trip should take electronic attendance. If the teacher has students absent, due to their participation in a field trip, the teacher should mark those students absent.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management