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A resolution is the consequence for the student’s action. A student may have more than one Resolution assigned for a specific event. Resolutions are added to an incident and then applied to the appropriate participants. This process is completed by a Behavior Administrator or, when appropriate, a PEAK IA.  This process is NOT completed by the secretary/substitute.

Resolutions will need to be added for all the participants, victims, witness, as well as the offenders. Prior to adding a behavior resolution review the referral for accuracy.

Keep the following tips in mind before creating or modifying a resolution:

  • Editing the resolution start date, resolution start time, resolution end date, and/or resolution end time will impact the student’s attendance. It is required to Check for Attendance Conflicts when editing these fields.

  • View the student’s attendance to verify it accurately reflects the dates and times the student was absent.

  • If a Hearing was entered as the first resolution, when the disposition has been decided (parent contact, suspension, PEAK, etc.) YOU MUST ADD a second Resolution to reflect the outcome of the Hearing. 

  • If a second resolution is not recorded within three days of a hearing, a Certify violation will appear.

  • Witnesses should be documented when there wasn’t a teacher or staff member directly observing the event.  If an event happened in class, you would not need to list every student as a witness.

  • Resolutions must be added for all offenders, participants, victims, and witnesses.  Resolutions for witnesses and victims would probably include “No Action Taken” or “Conference with student” or “Parent Contact”.

  • Behavior letters for Due Process Hearings (Non-Removals), Due Process Hearings (Removals), Out of School Suspensions, Due Process Hearing Office, and Expulsion must be signed and uploaded to the student’s Documents Tab.

  • When entering behavior into Infinite Campus, information entered into the Event/Participant Details, Resolution Details, and the Incident Details boxes can show up on the behavior letter.

Behavior Resolution Date Ranges

There are three different types of Resolution Date Ranges:

  • Resolution Assignment for One Date:

    • This means the student’s Resolution does not span more than one date. For instance, the data entry indicates the student was in ISS on 10/6 only, from 9:00 – 3:30.

  • Continuous Resolution Assignment for Multiple Dates:

    • The student began their Resolution assignment on one date, and it continued on to one or more dates. There are no breaks in instructional time for the Resolution. For instance, the data indicates the student was in ISS for three school days, from 10/6 – 10/8.

  • Resolution Assignment for Multiple Partial Days:

    • The student was assigned the Resolution for multiple days, but only for a portion of each day or attends school in the middle of the assigned days out. Each segment of time must be entered as a separate Resolution. The Resolution will display according to how many segments of time were assigned.

Resolution Types that Affect Attendance

There are some resolutions that will affect attendance for the student.  When the resolution is entered, an attendance code will be added to the students’ attendance tab. These codes should not be manually entered on a student’s attendance record.

  • RMV - Hearing (Student Removal)

  • OSS (Out of School Suspension)

  • ISS (In-School Suspension) / PEAK 

Allegations of Bullying and Harassment

To record Allegations of Bullying/Harassment, please follow the same process used when entering a Behavior Referral into the Behavior Management module.

Please keep in mind that an allegation is a claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal, typically made without proof.  

If an allegation of Bullying/Harassment is reported:

  • Enter the allegation into a behavior referral.

  • Investigate what occurred and determine if the event was related to bullying. 

    • If it was, change the event type from Allegation of Bullying to the appropriate Event Type, and add an appropriate Bullying/Harassment resolution.

    • If the Allegation was found to be untrue, do not change the event type, add an appropriate resolution ("No Action Taken", "Conference with Student", etc.) and details of the investigation.

There must never be an allegation with a resolution of ISS, OSS, or Expulsion.


The Hearing Resolution type is entered when there is an intent to suspend from the educational environment. Prior to a suspension, the school must give:

·       Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension.

·       Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or explain his/her actions.

A signed copy of the written hearing notice (Hearing Letter) is to be uploaded to the student's documents tab in Infinite Campus.  DO NOT modify a hearing when an additional resolution is added, such as OSS or ISS.  Instead, add a second resolution.

While it is preferred for parents to be involved in suspension hearings, it is not a requirement under Ohio Law or Board Policy.

Due Process Hearing (Non-Removal)

This resolution is used to schedule a meeting that may or may not result in an out of school suspension. The student's presence is not a danger to persons or property and will continue in the academic setting while awaiting the outcome of the hearing.  When using the Resolution Type of Hearing (Non-removal) the student will not have attendance that corresponds with the Hearing Resolution. 

If the administrator decides that the student will remain in school until a hearing is held, clear out the Start/End date and the Start/End time when entering the resolution into the Behavior Management tool. If these fields are not cleared, it will generate an error on the Behavior Attendance Audit (BAA) report.

  • Resolution Type: Due Process Hearing (Non-Removal)

  • Behavior Letter Name: The Hearing Letter for this resolution is Intent to Suspend Without Emergency Removal.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be filed in the student's individual behavior file or uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus within ONE school day of the decision.

Due Process Hearing (Student Removal)

This Hearing Resolution type is entered when there is an intent to suspend from the educational environment.  The student is removed from the educational environment prior to the end of the school day.

For purposes of Ohio law, an “emergency removal” is one in which a student’s “presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process taking place” and the removal is made “without the notice and hearing requirements” established under law.

HB 318 requires a hearing to be held on the NEXT school day after the emergency removal.  Furthermore, until such time that the hearing takes place, the student must be allowed to participate in learning opportunities; a student CANNOT be forced to remain out of school prior to the hearing taking place. The student MUST be allowed to return to school the next morning.

When a student is removed for a hearing, use the RMV code as the attendance code when entering a resolution.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus.

When entering an emergency removal, you must do the following to ensure the students attendance is accurately reflected in Infinite Campus:

  • Check for attendance conflicts.

  • Ensure the resolution Start/End dates and Start/End times are correct.

  • Verify that the proper attendance code is selected.

  • Make sure to select ‘Overwrite Existing Attendance’ before saving the resolution.

After the Hearing - Within Three (3) days of the hearing a second resolution must be ADDED to the incident.  If a second resolution is not recorded within three days of the hearing, Certify rule: BEH 110-0020 - If Behavior Resolution is a hearing, there must be a second resolution within 3 days of Hearing Date will appear on the school's Certify report. 

  • Resolution Type: Due Process (Student Removal)

  • Attendance Code: RMV: Disciplinary Removal

  • Behavior Letter: Intent to Suspend WITH Emergency Removal

Peak (Positive Efforts for Adjustment and Knowledge

PEAK provides opportunities to continue the educational process for class/homework credit and provides positive behavioral support within the school atmosphere. You will hear frequent reference to the PEAK room.  This is a resolution that is used in our elementary school buildings ONLY.

Resolution Type:

  • Peak Time Out (1-2 hours total per day)

  • Peak Time Out (Less than 1 hour total per day)


A student may be required to stay after school or be assigned to lunch detention as a consequence for his/her behavior. The detention may include lessons in behavior management created to help the student learn problem-solving skills that will lead him or her to positive choices.

Parent Contact

Many behavior interventions are resolved through contact with the student's parent/guardian.  This resolution type can be used as an individual behavior resolution or as a follow-up to both hearing types. 

This resolution type can be used for victims and witnesses.

Intent to Suspend from the School Bus

There are two resolutions to note when looking at intent to suspend from a school bus:

  • Hearing (non-removal): Resolution is used when the student is removed from the school bus but is permitted to attend school.

  • Bus Ridership Suspension: Student is suspended from riding the bus but is not suspended from school.

Written notice of hearing and the reason for the emergency removal shall be given as soon as practicable.  A phone call to the home is not statutorily sufficient notice. The written notice must specify the reason for removal.

Prior to a bus suspension, the school must give:

  • Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension and

  • Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or explain his/her actions

A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus.  If a student receives transportation accommodation as part of their IEP and is suspended from bus ridership a copy of the bus suspension notification letter must be uploaded.

Behavior Letter:

  • Intent to Suspend bus (No EMG removal) - use this letter if the student is permitted to ride the bus prior to the hearing.

  • Intent to Suspend bus with EMG removal - use this letter if the student is not permitted to ride the bus prior to the hearing.

  • Bus Suspension Letter

In School Suspension (ISS)

ISS is a reassignment of a student from the classroom to an alternative setting. Students assigned to in-school suspension will be excluded from extracurricular activities until the next school day following the completion of their suspension.

In school suspensions do not require the same due process as out of school suspensions because the student is not being denied educational services.  Districts are NOW REQUIRED to permit a student to complete classroom assignments missed during both In School Suspension (ISS) and Out of School Suspension (OSS). Resolutions may need modified after the initial entry.

Keep the following tips in mind before modifying the resolution:

  • When a student arrives late or leaves early during a PEAK/ISS assignment, the behavior resolution start or end time, needs to be adjusted appropriately reflecting the student’s arrival or departure.

  • Editing the resolution start date, resolution start time, resolution end date, and/or resolution end time will impact the student’s attendance. It is required to Check for Attendance Conflicts when editing these fields.

  • View the student’s attendance to verify it accurately reflects the dates and times the student was absent.

  • Resolution Type: ISS: In School Suspension

  • Attendance Code: ISS: In School Suspension

  • Behavior Letter: PEAK/ISS Letter

Pre-K to 3rd Grade Emergency Removal

As a key component of HB 318 is the reduction in out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, for students in grades PK-3, there are several provisions related specifically to these grade levels.

Of immediate note, however, are the following changes.

  • The emergency removal of a student in grades PK-3 is now PERMITTED for the remainder of the school day WITHOUT a hearing provided the student be allowed to return the next school day. These removals will need to be recorded in Infinite Campus.

  • There are also limitations on pursuing an OSS or expulsion for students in grades PK-3 for which an emergency removal is made.  Under the Act, no action may be taken towards a suspension or expulsion for the same incident for which the student was removed unless:

    • it is a serious and specific offense (ONLY guns, knives, serious bodily injury/harm, or bomb threat) for which suspension or expulsion is statutorily required or permitted; (this act would be considered a criminal offense when committed by an adult) or

    • it is an offense for which the district or school determined suspension or expulsion was necessary “to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, the student’s fellow classmates, or the classroom staff or teachers.” This term will be defined via an upcoming Administrative Guideline.

For example, if an administrator utilizes an "emergency removal" for a PK-3 student for insubordination, that same student could not be given an OSS for that offense as it would not be compliant with Ohio law; however, the student may be given an immediate suspension for that offense. 

 Again, the distinction between "emergency removal" and "immediate suspension" is critical, as for a student in these grade levels, certain behavioral resolutions may be unavailable to administrators depending upon the offense and whether the student is subject to an "emergency removal."

The emergency removal of a student in grades PK-3 is permitted for the remainder of the school day without a hearing provided:

  • The student is allowed to return to school the next school day and,

  • The resolution is recorded in the behavior module and is reflected on the student’s attendance tab.

  • Use the code “PBIS-PreK to 3rd Emergency Removal: Remainder of School Day”.

Is there a behavior letter required for Pre-K - Third removal to the end of the day only?

  • There is no behavior letter requirement for the PreK to 3rd Emergency Removal: Remainder of School Day resolution.

What behavior resolution type is used for Pre-K removals that will not have a suspension assigned?

  • Resolution: PBIS - Pre- to 3rd Emergency Removal: Remainder of School Day

  • Attendance Code: RMV: Disciplinary Removal

Out of School Suspension

OSS is the removal of a student from school for a period of one (1) to ten (10) days. During the suspension, students are not permitted to participate in extracurricular activities, be on any school property or in any school buses/vehicles. Appeal procedures are available at any school building upon request and are included in the notice of suspension.

Immediate Suspension - this action warrants a call to the student’s parent/guardian, where notice of the suspension hearing is provided and the hearing takes place immediately thereafter, often with the student being suspended for the remainder of the school day and for a determinate period of time

The definition of “immediate suspension” is a District construct and is not defined in statute.  Thus, if a student is provided notice and a hearing prior to the imposition of an OSS, the student is effectively suspended and is not the subject of an emergency removal. Should something occur that prevents the immediate suspension hearing, until such time that the hearing takes place, the student must be allowed to participate in learning opportunities; a student CANNOT be forced to remain out of school prior to the hearing taking place.

Districts are NOW REQUIRED to permit a student to complete classroom assignments missed during both in-school suspension (ISS) and OSS; it should be noted that Board Policy has already required this, so this should not be a change in current procedures. This will count as an unexcused absence.

A suspension warrants a call to the student’s parent/guardian. Prior to a suspension, the school must give:

  • Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension.

  • ·Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or explain his/her actions.

Suspension appeals are filed with the Hearing Office to be heard by a hearing officer on behalf of the Superintendent.

After a hearing, if an out of school suspension is determined, a second resolution type of OSS: Out of School Suspension (all students receive homework), should be ADDED to the original incident. The original hearing resolution should remain when adding an out of school suspension resolution. DO NOT change the original hearing resolution.

For Example:

A student is removed pending a hearing.  The outcome of the hearing is OSS.  The administrator wants to suspend the student from the start of the removal, therefore considering the removal as time served.  When entering the resolution, the admin must be sure to select the OSS code, check for attendance conflicts, and overwrite existing attendance data in the resolution details screen.

 While it is preferred for parents to be involved in the suspension hearing, it is not a requirement under Ohio Law or Board Policy.

  • Resolution Type: OSS/Out of School Suspension

  • Attendance Code: OSS: Out of School Suspension

  • Behavior Letter: Out of School Suspension Letter


Expulsion is a removal of a student from school for a period of eleven (11) to one-hundred and eighty (180) days. Additionally, any student expelled will not have access to the School Choice or Open Enrollment Lottery process for transfer between schools on their return or for the following school year.

A student cannot be forced to remain out of school before the expulsion hearing takes place.  An immediate suspension or assignment to alternative educational opportunities provides the time to schedule the hearing and is a permissible action to keep the student off of school premises in the interim

It should be noted that pursuant to federal law and clarified via Section 10 of HB 318, students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are still limited to no more than ten (10) days of out-of-school discipline.

When a student is being considered for expulsion, the designated Behavior Management staff at the building level will enter the initial hearing resolution.  When the hearing is concluded, the expulsion staff will enter any additional resolutions.

The Support Center

In an effort to help our schools, students may have the opportunity to participate in the Support Center program in lieu of receiving a suspension or expulsion. The low student/teacher ratio in the core curriculum areas as well as interventions that are designed to improve student character, student decision making abilities, personal self-confidence, and individual conduct, will help students to prepare for a successful transition back to the regular school environment. 

If you feel you have a student who could benefit from this opportunity, you must do the following:

  • Complete the Transportation Request Form.  It may take up to 3 days for a student to be assigned transportation.

  • While waiting for transportation to be assigned, have the parents of the student call the Support Center (614-365-5842), and schedule an orientation meeting.  A student must complete an orientation meeting prior to beginning.

  • Once transportation has been secured for the student, you will be sent an email with the student’s bus stop and beginning date at the Support Center.  You should call the parents of the student and share this information.

Support Center Scheduling

When a student is enrolled to The Support Center program, the following steps must be completed to reflect proper attendance within the program:

  • A Support Center representative will notify the primary school of attendance of the student enrollment start date.

  • A school representative from the primary school of attendance with scheduling rights (administrator/counselor/secretary) will end date the student's schedule at his/her primary school of attendance on the day prior to the Support Center enrollment start date. 

  • The Support Center all day blocker course (N92111) will be added to the student's schedule using the start date equal to the Support Center enrollment start date.  Once the Support Center blocker has been added to the schedule, teachers associated with this student will not have the ability to take attendance while the student is assigned to the Support Center.

  • When the student returns from the Support Center to their primary school of attendance, the scheduler must reinstate the student's schedule and teachers must begin documenting attendance again.

If this process was not followed it can be corrected, however additional documentation is required. Additional documentation must be uploaded to the student's document tab and include a ".pdf" file of the student's attendance record and enrollment history prior to any changes being made. If you have further questions or need guidance, please call Gregory Wisniewski at (614) 365-2014.

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