The “Check for Attendance Conflicts” button will appear at the bottom of the screen if a resolution type that requires an attendance code was used AND the appropriate Attendance Code is selected.
Resolution | Attendance Code |
PBIS – Hearing (student removal) | RMV:Disciplinary Removal |
PBIS – OSS/Out of School Suspension (All students receive homework) | OSS: OSS with homework |
PBIS – PEAK/ISS | ISS: In School Suspension |
PBIS - Pre-K to 3rd Emergency Removal: Remainder of School Day | RMV:Disciplinary Removal |
1. Click on the button to check for attendance conflicts.
If there are no conflicts, a message will display below the button No conflicts detected. The Resolution can be saved. Attendance will be added for the time frame of the Resolution.
If there are conflicts, a message will display ‘The following student(s) already have an attendance record for the specified date and time range. What action would you like to take?
2. Investigate the attendance conflict to determine the appropriate action:
If overwriting the absences with the resolution start dates and times will accurately reflect the student’s attendance. In the Take the following action field, use the drop-down menu to select Overwrite Existing attendance.
- All existing attendance records will be overwritten with new attendance records based the Attendance Code selected for the behavior resolution for all dates and times encompassed within the resolution
If overwriting the absences with the resolution start dates and times WILL NOT accurately reflect the student’s attendance – After researching actual student attendance edit the resolution date and times to accurately reflect the student’s attendance. In the Take the following action field, use the drop-down menu to select Save Behavior resolution but not the attendance.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the Resolution screen.
The behavior attendance code will display on the student’s Attendance tab. It is a good practice to click the student’s attendance tab to review the new entry and ensure that the resolution dates and times were accurately recorded.