Below you will find tips regarding basic trouble steps for troubleshooting attendance scanning devices found in CCS Middle and High Schools. Each set up consists of a Surface GO 3 running Windows 10 and a mobile receipt printer (Custom MP Ranger).
Known Issues:
User cannot log in
These devices are set up to be mobile and rely on CCS Wifi for their internet connection. Most often when a user cannot log in, they have not selected an SSID. This happens because sometimes the SSID will show that there is “No Internet” and the user does not select the SSID believing they will not be able to connect to the internet.
Users are logged in but cannot connect to the internet. The Chrome browser (with link to Infinite Campus) is launched automatically but displays a 404-error due to the lack of Internet connection.
The user has not selected an SSID or the user has selected an SSID that indicates that there is “No internet” connection. By right-clicking on the SSID in the selection menu you can choose “Forget”. This releases that SSID from the menu. The SSID will refresh and if there are no other contributing factors, should no longer show the “No Internet” warning.
User navigates to the “Check In/Check Out Kiosk” in IC but receives an error stating that the “Requested Resource was not Found”.
This is typically caused by the user not selecting the current year and their current school calendar in Infinite Campus. If a user has defaulted to or selected a year or calendar which has not been configured for attendance scanning they will receive this result. To resolve simply select the current school year and the calendar for the school they are working in.
Students can “Check In” or Check Out” but the device will not print the student pass.