Due to Internal Audit review of appropriate supervision during the 20172022-18 23 school year, attendance logs must be kept as follows in order to address our deficiency as of November 26May 5, 20182023.
All logs are to be kept on a daily basis. (See attached log that is to be used.)
All logs are to be scanned and emailed or hand delivered to the attendance secretary at each individual High School within two school days of the Virtual Learning lab closing.
All after-school Virtual Learning teachers are responsible for entering their positive attendance into the student information system on a daily basis.
The sign-in/sign-out logs should be stored in the attendance office for daily attendance and made available to the SDS’s and other management team members in order to complete quarterly and periodic checks.
During boot camps or any weekend activities, a sign-in/sign-out log should be maintained and hand delivered to the attendance secretary at each individual high school within two school days of the Virtual Learning Boot Camp ending time.