Beginning in early January through May/June
Suggest every 2 or 3 weeks
Identify who is responsible for what
Establish deadlines
Examine current schedule, what works, what doesn’t
What are your goals for next year?
Distribute “Wish List” to teachers (collect input from teachers regarding what they would like to teach)
process for gathering course requests
All requests for students going into 9th-12th grade will be
created in SchooLinks as Course Plans
Meet with the counselors to determine settle on a timeline that is within district-determined deadlines.
Establish when they want to be in classes to assist students in course selection process.
Gather requests on paper?
Example option 1: Large group setting, by cohort
Example option 2: Small group setting, by English class
- Allow students/parents to
Create a standard scheduling worksheet with course offerings that you will have for next year
For 8th graders planning for 9th grade, it’s a good idea to have a sheet for each high school, and meet with students in groups by high school they will be attending
Students planning for 6th and 7th grade can enter requests via the portal?Combination of both?
Adjust course offerings based on course requests
This is decision making time using numbers to justify decisions
Course requests should drive course offerings – just because it is on the course offering sheet doesn’t mean it will be offered
You will be able to determine this once the course plans from SchooLinks are brought over as course requests in Infinite Campus in April
Look for conflicts in the schedule and even dispersion of classes throughout the master schedule
General rule of thumb: try to offer core courses for each grade level, each period of the day
Look at trends:
For example, offering CALCULUS and AP ENGLISH 12 at the same time is probably not a good idea
Singletons (only 1 section offered) must be reviewed
do these have to occur in a specific period/room/teacher?
what is the best period to offer them in?
Review Common Planning Periods
Coaching periods
Career Center considerations
How do you want to structure lunches? Do you REALLY need to align lunches to grade levels?
What Special Programs do you have – CCP / ESL / Special Ed / Inclusion / VCAP