There are some reports that can be run in Infinite Campus that can be used as class lists. Class lists need to be put together before starting the Master Schedule Load process.
Student Class Lists from Ad Hoc
Open Infinite Campus, navigate to the Index Tab and go to Ad Hoc Reporting.
Click on Data Export.
Expand the _Scheduling folder.
Click the Student _ES Class List Export.
Under ‘Pick and Export Format’ select Delimited values (CSV) to send to an Excel Spreadsheet.
Users can generate the current years class list and provide to teachers for next year classroom planning. The suggested roster to use is the Sub Attendance Roster.
Sub Attendance Roster
On the
Main Menu, click on Attendance Office.
Under the Reports section, click Sub Attendance Roster
The Effective Date = Today.
The Period = H1.
The Display Options = Shade Alternate Rows.
In the Student Options check
‘Student Number’ and ‘Gender’.
Select all Teachers.
Course = Elementary Attendance.
Comment =
“25-26 Teacher Recommendations”.
Generate the Report.