Setting up and using the Infinite Campus Grade Book
Here is a brief overview for using the Infinite Campus Grade Book for CCS Teachers.
Set Preferences
Before proceeding, it is a good practice to create your account preferences. These options can be changed at any time throughout the school year.
Grade Book Selections
Select the Current Term (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
Select the Section (Class) you want to work with.
Select the Task (Quarter, Interim, Exam or Final)
The task for Exam and Final will only appear in Terms they can be entered. For a full year course, the Exam and Final tasks will appear when Q4 is selected.
The following Options are available for each class section.
+ Add - Click this button to create an Assignment for the Section selected
Sort - The Sort Button allows you to change the order of the assignment in the section.
Filter - The Filter Button allows you to hide and show Student or Assignment specific criteria.
Grade Book Settings
The Settings tab of the Grade Book includes tools used in Grade Book setup, a variety of options for displaying student scores in ways that can help teachers focus on student performance, and other Grade Book display preferences. Use ALT G to expand and collapse the settings menu.
The context of the Grade Book is determined by the options selected in the Campus toolbar and the Term, Section and Task dropdown lists above the Grade Book. The Grade Book remembers where you were and opens to the same Term, Section and Task as your last visit.
Assignment Defaults
Assignment Defaults allow teachers to create templates for assignments, with options for Section Groups, Date, Grading Setup, and other assignment elements. Defaults help teachers save time when creating assignments with options that they use often.
A teacher can have multiple defaults set. One default can be set to apply automatically whenever assignments are created.
Assignment Marks
Categories must exist before you can create assignments.
Grade Book - Categories
Assignment List
Grade Book - Assignments
Filter Defaults
Grade Calc Options
Grade Calc Options must exist for In Progress grades to be calculated.
Grade Calc Options must be set for each course section.
Grade Book - Grade Calc Options
Grading Scales
Section Groups
Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management