Submitting ES Class Lists

Submitting ES Class Lists

Class lists indicating where students will be placed for the 25/26 SY will be submitted to the Infinite Campus Core Team through the TDX Ticket System using the ES Master Scheduling heading by using this link. All class lists are due by 4/7/25.

Class lists must include the following for submission:

  • ALL Class lists MUST BE typed and in alphabetical order - in year’s past we have taken written class lists. This has caused many issues with the scheduling process including, incomplete or incorrect names provided for students, handwriting not being legible. This year only typed lists will be accepted.

  • Student Last and First Name - no nicknames or abbreviated names

  • Grade Level

  • Student Numbers

  • Teachers Names

  • Section Numbers

Below are sample forms that can be used to submit a class list. Once the rosters are complete, submit them through the TDX Ticket System.

To generate a current class list to provide to teachers, visit the page ‘Generate Current Class Lists From Infinite Campus’.

Roster Templates

Below are forms that can be used by schools to provide the Infinite Campus Core Team class list information. These forms can then be attached to the TDX ticket. The forms below are not required, but give an good example of how to provide a class list.

- This is an Excel Spreadsheet that can be used to list students assigned to a specific teacher for the new school year.

- This is a Word document that can be used to list students assigned to a specific teacher for next school year.

Student Assignment Forms for Teachers

Below are two forms that can be given to teacher to help them identify student assignments for the next school year. These forms are optional.

- This is an Excel Spreadsheet that can be give to teachers to record their recommendation for a student’s placement for the new school year.

- This is a Word Document that can be given to teachers to record their recommendations for a students placement for the new school year.


An Ad Hoc Report was created to generate a list of all students in the building. This spreadsheet will be sorted by Grade Level, Teacher Name, Student Last Name, and Student First Name. The report is called ‘Master Schedule Placement Report’. The results from the report can be copied and pasted to the excel forms listed above. To generate the report follow the directions listed below:

  1. Make sure you have the current school year selected.

  2. Click on the Main Menu

  3. Click Reporting.

  4. Under Ad Hoc Reporting, click Data Export.

  5. Click on the ‘Scheduling’ folder to expand it.

  6. Click on 'Master Schedule Placement Report'

  7. Under ‘Pick an Export Format’ select 'Delimited values (CSV)

  8. Click Export



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