Create PAA Limit Letter 18-19

Columbus City Schools Board Policy 5200.01 - Attendance Absence states that a maximum of nine (9) student absences from school will be considered excused with parental notification. After nine (9) absences, additional information and/or documentation in addition to the parent notification may be required in order for the absence to be excused. 

The letter below can be given to parents to inform then that this limit has been reached.

Create a Letter

Path: Index > Student Information > PLP > General > Documents Tab

  • Browse to the path above
  • If you have not already selected a student, you may be prompted to search for a student at this point.
  • Once you have selected the student, click the Documents tab and choose
  • Check the box labeled Create Custom Form, and choose PAA Limit Letter from the Select a Form ... drop-list
  • Click the Create Document button


  • The letter will appear with the student name, Principal name, and School name filled in for you.
  • Click Save, then Click Print to give the letter to the student and/or mail home.


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management