Allegations of Bullying/Harassment

Allegations of Bullying/Harassment

To record Allegations of Bullying/Harassment, please follow the same process used when entering a Behavior Referral into the Behavior Management module. However, when selecting an event type from the drop-down menu, you will now have to select one of the highlighted options shown below. 

Please keep in mind that an allegation is a claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal, typically made without proof.  

If an allegation of Bullying/Harassment is reported, but after an investigation it was concluded that there is no evidence of Bullying/Harassment:

  • Determine if the event was actually related to bullying.  If not, change the event type from Allegation of Bullying to the appropriate Event Type, and add an appropriate resolution.

  • If the Allegation was found to be untrue, add an appropriate resolution ("No Action Taken", "Conference with Student", etc.) and details of the investigation.



There must not be any bullying allegation with a resolution of ISS, OSS, Removal, or Expulsion.

If the allegation is found to be true, and the incident was indeed Bullying, make sure to change the Event Type from Allegation of Bullying to the actual Bullying type, and enter an appropriate resolution.

Steps to entering an event and participant:

After clicking the Add Event/Participant button, the Details screen opens.

Event Type is a required field.  Select the student’s violation from the drop-down menu.  Only use events that have a Level I, Level II, or Level III before the name of the event.

  • If Level II: Bullying/Harassment Other is the Event, details must be provided in the Details section of the incident.

  • If Level II: Allegation of Bullying/Harassment is the event, notice there are six different types (Disability, Other, Race, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation). Select the one that most closely resembles your incident. Details should be provided in the Details section of the incident.

  1. Reported by is the name of the staff member who referred the incident.

  2. Action Assigned By is the name of the administrator who will be assigning the resolution.

  3. Add Participant Filter defaults to Students.  Another filter can be selected from the drop-down menu. 

  4. Participant Name: Enter the student’s last name, partial name, or student number. 

  5. Click Search.  Names matching the search criteria will list below the Participant Name field. 

  6. Click on the student’s name from the list of search results. 

  7. Save


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management