Out of School Suspension (OSW/OSS)

Out of School Suspension (OSW/OSS)

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Attendance Code

PBIS – Hearing

RMV:Disciplinary Removal

PBIS – OSS/Out of School Suspension (with classwork)

OSS: OSS with homework

PBIS - OSW/Out of School Suspension (without classwork)

OSW: OSW without homework

SUSPENSION: a suspension is the denial of attendance at school for a period of not more than 10 days.

Prior to a suspension, the school must give:

  1. Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension and
  2. Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or give an explanation for his/her actions.

The written notice must be provided to the student and should be provided to the student’s parent.  

A signed copy of the written notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus. 

After a hearing if an out of school suspension is determined, a second resolution type of out of school suspension without homework (OSW) should be ADDED to the original incident.

  • The original hearing resolution should remain when adding an out of school suspension resolution.
  • Suspension appeals are filed with the Hearing Office to be heard by a hearing officer on behalf of the Superintendent.


1. Schools may permit students to make up missed work due to out-of-school suspensions per district
policy; and  

2. Schools cannot apply any remaining part or all of a suspension to the following school year, but the
superintendent may require a student to participate in community service or an alternative consequence
for the number of hours equal to the time left on the suspension.

3. Students cannot be expelled or suspended (out of school) for being truant (beginning July 1, 2017); 

Out of School Suspension (without classwork)

Resolution Type:
OSW/Out of School Suspension (Without classwork)
Resolution Assign Date:Date the resolution is assigned
Resolution Start Date:Date student will begin the Out of School Suspension
Resolution Start Time:Time the resolution begins
Resolution End DateLast day of assigned Out of School Suspension (not the return date)
Resolution End Time:Time the resolution will end
Duration of Days:Number of school days the student is assigned Out of School Suspension
Attendance Code:(tick) OSW: OSS without classwork.  Not recording an attendance code will result in a Certify violation.
Behavior Admin Name:Building Administrator that is assigning the resolution
Details:Record details specific to the resolution.   Not recording resolution details will result in a Certify violation.
Letter Date:Date the behavior letter is generated from Infinite Campus
Hearing Date:Date of Hearing with parent/guardian
Hearing Time: Time of Hearing with parent/guardian
Return Date:Date the student will resume classes
Apply To:Select the student you are applying the resolution to

Check for Attendance Conflicts:

(tick) YES

  • If student is marked UNX, select overwrite existing data
  • If student has any attendance code other than UNX, contact your Student Data Compliance Specialist for further directions
  • If no conflicts are detected, continue to save
Behavior Letter Name:Out of School Suspension.  A signed copy of the written notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus. 
Attendance Form:Request to Excuse Out of School Suspension Form

Out of School Suspension (with classwork)

  • Homework - Students that complete two-thirds of assignments while on suspension can have the resolution out of school suspension without homework (OSW) changed to out of school suspension with homework (OSS).
  • OSS: Out of School Suspension (with classwork) attendance code is an excused attendance code. 

The OSS assignment form approved by the building administrator is required prior to changing the resolution type. Completed OSS assignment forms must be maintained in the students attendance file. 

To update the attendance coding open the original Out of School without Homework Resolution.  Do not create a new resolution

Update the following fields only:

Resolution TypeOut of School Suspension (with classwork)
Attendance CodeOSS: OSS with homework
Details:Notate in the details that the OSS assignment form was approved 
Check for Attendance Conflicts:

The student should have an attendance code OSW:  Out of School suspension (without homework).  Select Overwrite Existing Attendance 

  • If student is marked UNX, select overwrite existing data
  • If student has any attendance code other than UNX or OSW, contact your Student Data Compliance Specialist for further directions
Save: Review all required fields for accuracy prior to saving

Administrative Guidelines

Guideline for Recording Behavior Events and Resolutions for Cross-Enrolled Students

For cross enrolled students with a behavior event, please see the attached guidelines for instructions on how to properly record the behavior and attendance. 

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management