locked Hearing (Student Removal)

locked Hearing (Student Removal)

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Attendance Code

PBIS – Hearing (Student Removal)

RMV: Disciplinary Removal

The Hearing Resolution type is entered when there is an intent to suspend from the educational environment.  



If a student’s behavior meets the criteria above:

  1. A principal or assistant principal may remove a pupil from curricular activities or from the school without prior notice and hearing concerning the removal or
  2. A teacher may remove a pupil from curricular activities under the teacher’s supervision without prior notice and hearing concerning the removal.

Written notice of hearing and the reason for the emergency removal shall be given as soon as practicable.  A phone call to the home is not statutorily sufficient notice. The written notice must specify the reason for removal.

Prior to a suspension, the school must give:

  1. Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension and
  2. Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or give an explanation for his/her actions

A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus. 


1. Schools may permit students to make up missed work due to out-of-school suspensions per district
policy; and  

2. Schools cannot apply any remaining part or all of a suspension to the following school year, but the
superintendent may require a student to participate in community service or an alternative consequence
for the number of hours equal to the time left on the suspension.

3. Students cannot be expelled or suspended (out of school) for being truant (beginning July 1, 2017); 

Removing a student for an attendance related infraction will result in the following Certify Violation: BEH 110-0030 - Students MUST NOT be removed from school for truancy.

The following fields are required when recording a Hearing (Student Removal) in Infinite Campus.

Resolution Type

Hearing (Student Removal)

Resolution Assign Date:Date the resolution is assigned
Resolution Start Date:Date the student is removed from the educational environment (building)
Resolution Start Time:Time the student is removed from the educational environment (building)
Resolution End Date:Date the hearing is scheduled for
Resolution End Time:Time the hearing is scheduled for
Duration in Days:(error) No
Attendance Code:RMV Disciplinary Removal.   Not recording an attendance code will result in a Certify violation.
Behavior Admin Staff Name:Building Administrator assigning the resolution
Details:Record details specific to the resolution.   Not recording resolution details will result in a Certify violation.
Letter Date:Date the behavior letter is generated from Infinite Campus
Hearing Date:Date of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end date).   Not recording a hearing date will result in a Certify violation.
Hearing Time:Time of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end time)
Return Date:(error) No
Apply To:Select the student you are applying the resolution to
Check for Attendance conflicts:

(tick) YES

  • If student is marked UNX, select overwrite existing data
  • If student has any attendance code other than UNX, contact your Student Data Compliance Specialist for further directions
  • If no conflicts are detected, continue to save
Save:Review all required fields for accuracy prior to saving
Behavior Letter Name:Intent to Suspend With Emerg Removal.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus as a due process letter type. 

Hearing with Removal during the school day*

Student is leaving class during the school day and cannot return until the Hearing.
Resolution Type:Hearing-(student removal)                                           
Resolution Assign Date:Date the resolution is assigned
Resolution Start Date:Date student is removed from the educational environment (building)
Resolution Start Time:Time the student left the educational environment (building)
Resolution End DateDate the hearing is scheduled for
Resolution End Time:Time the hearing is scheduled for
Attendance Code:RMV: Disciplinary Removal.   Not recording an attendance code will result in a Certify violation.
Behavior Admin Staff Name:Building Administrator assigning the resolution
Details:Record details specific to the resolution.   Not recording resolution details will result in a Certify violation.
Letter Date:Date the behavior letter is generated from Infinite Campus
Hearing Date:Date of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end date).   Not recording a hearing date will result in a Certify violation.
Hearing Time:Time of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end time)
Return Date:(error) No
Apply to:Select the student you are applying the resolution to

Check for Attendance Conflicts:

(tick) YES

  • If student is marked UNX, select overwrite existing data
  • If student has any attendance code other than UNX, contact your Student Data Compliance Specialist for further directions
  • If no conflicts are detected, continue to save
Save:Review all required fields for accuracy prior to saving
Behavior Letter Name:Letter - Intent to Suspend WITH Emergency Removal.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus as a due process letter type. 

* When entered properly the student will have an attendance code of RMV from Resolution Start date/time through to Resolution End date/time.  

Hearing with Removal starting next school day*

Student has finished the school day and will NOT leave school on the date of the incident.  Student cannot return until the Hearing.
Resolution Type:Hearing-(student removal)
Resolution Assign Date:Date the resolution is assigned
Resolution Start Date:Date of First Absence
Resolution Start Time:School Start Time (ex 7:30 or 9:00 am)
Resolution End Date:Date the hearing is scheduled for
Resolution End Time:Time the hearing is scheduled for
Attendance Code:RMV: Disciplinary Removal.  Not recording an attendance code will result in a Certify violation.
Behavior Admin Name:Building Administrator assigning the resolution
Details:Record details specific to the resolution.   Not recording resolution details will result in a Certify violation.
Letter Date:Date the behavior letter is generated from Infinite Campus
Hearing Date:Date of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end date).  Not recording a hearing date will result in a Certify violation.
Hearing Time:Time of scheduled hearing (this date should match the resolution end time)
Return Date:(error) No

Check for Attendance Conflicts:

(tick) YES

  • If student is marked UNX, select overwrite existing data
  • If student has any attendance code other than UNX, contact your Student Data Compliance Specialist for further directions
  • If no conflicts are detected, continue to save
Save:Review all required fields for accuracy prior to saving
Behavior Letter Name:Letter - Intent to Suspend WITH Emergency Removal.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus as a due process letter type. 

* When entered properly the student will have an attendance code of RMV from Resolution Start date/time through to Resolution End date/time.  

After the Hearing

Within Three (3) days of the hearing a second resolution must be ADDED to the incident.  

If a second resolution is not recorded within three days of the hearing Certify rule: BEH 110-0020 - If Behavior Resolution is a hearing, there must be a second resolution within 3 days of Hearing Date will appear on the school's Certify report.  

CCS Resolution Types                                                                            


Attendance Code

36: PBIS-Bus ridership suspension

25: PBIS-Conference with student

33: PBIS-Detention
32.5: PBIS-Hearing (non-removal)

32: PBIS-Hearing (student removal)

 (tick) RMV 

21: PBIS-Loss of privilege
50: PBIS-No Action Taken
30: PBIS-OSS/Out of school suspension (with classwork)(tick) OSS
30: PBIS-OSS/Out of school suspension (without classwork)(tick) OSW
28: PBIS-PALS(tick) PALS
26: PBIS-Parent contact
34: PBIS-Restitution
31: PBIS-SAIL referral
35: PBIS-Social agency referral
22: PBIS-Time out < 1 hour
23: PBIS-Time out > 1 hour

Administrative Guidelines

Guideline for Recording Behavior Events and Resolutions for Cross-Enrolled Students - For cross enrolled students with a behavior event, please see the attached guidelines for instructions on how to properly record the behavior and attendance. 

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management