Attendance Reports for Summer School

Attendance Reports for Summer School

Caller Report – generate for making daily calls to home of absent students:

  1. On the Index tab, click Attendance
  2. Click Daily Attendance
  3. Click Caller Report at the top of the Daily Attendance screen

Summary Report – generate every day for a daily list of absent students.

  1. On the Index tab, click Attendance
  2. Click Daily Attendance
  3. Click Summary Report at the top of the Daily Attendance screen.

Day Count – generate to determine students with numerous absences:

  1. On the Index tab, click Attendance
  2. Click Reports
  3. Click Day Count
    1. Grade:  All Students
    2. Start Date: 06/15/2015 (or the first day of your summer school)
    3. End Date: Optional
    4. Having at Least: Enter a 1
    5. Having at most: Optional
    6. Calculation Options: Select Daily Approximation
    7. Sort Options: Select a preferred option
    8. Click Generate Report

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management