Scheduling Students into Home Rooms

Scheduling Students into Home Rooms

Verify the correct year, school and calendar has been selected
  • Year: select 16-17.
  • School: Select Summer School from the drop-down list.
  • Calendar:  Select the 16-17 (SS) summer school site.
Search for the student

Leave the Search Student field empty.  Click Go.  This will display all students enrolled at the Summer School.

Access the Walk-In Scheduler

  1. Click on the Schedule tab.
  2. Click Walk-in Scheduler.
    1. If you see View Schedule, the Walk-in Scheduler is already open.
  3. Click on Empty in the applicable Session and Period.
    1. The Section Search window opens.
  4. Enter the Start Date of the summer school.
  5. Click on the assigned teacher for the student.
    1. The number of students already enrolled in the class displays to the left of the teacher’s name.

CAUTION MOVING A STUDENT INTO ANOTHER TEACHER’S SECTION AFTER ATTENDANCE HAS BEEN COLLECTED CAN DELETE ATTENDANCE. If at all possible avoid changing schedules; however, if a schedule must be changed use the appropriate end date to prevent data loss.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management