Counselor Reminders

Counselor Reminders

This page was created based on a document provided by the EMIS team on May 30, 2016

The information in the attachment below has reminders that have been shared with all counselors by the EMIS team. Information includes:

Graduation Tab information (mid-year Graduates reminder, Sp ED grade 23 reminder)

When a student fulfills graduation requirements, he/she can be withdrawn as of that date with an End Status of ‘99’. Prior to that the Graduation tab information need to be filled out with Diploma Date (i.e. 10/01/2015), Diploma Type, Checks on / Core Economic & Lit requirements Met, Core Fine Art Req Met, Courses Completed Date, and OGT Only Check selected

All Graduation information except Diploma Date and Diploma Type is entered for Sp Ed students who choose to remain in school after they have met all graduation requirements.  That way we know that grade 23 is not a mistake and someone has really checked the graduation information for these students. We are not going to report them as graduates until the Diploma Date and Diploma type are added and the student is withdrawn.

Although Courses Completed Date is specifically required for students who have met the course requirements, but still need to pass one or more parts of the tests required for graduation, students who will enter grade 23 will need this field populated as well. For regular Graduates, we can report either default value of 000000 in the format of YYYYMM, or the actual course completion date in the format of YYYYMM which would be the graduation date.  We have decided to stick with the default since it is allowed and because it is less data entry.

Process for Non Graduates who have Completed Course requirements

Non Grads who have completed course requirements should be withdrawn as of 07/15/XXXX (to make sure we have waited for the summer testing results) with an ‘End Status’ of ‘75’. This code means that student has met all course requirements, but has not passed one or more of the OGT tests, required for graduation.

After withdrawing the student Central Enrollment is aware that they have to create an enrollment record in Grad Test Required calendar with a start date of 07/16/XXXX.

High School Percent of Time

Effective February 1, 2016 HS percent of time may be calculated based on reporting instruction in effect prior to March 23, 2015 (House Bill 367) – based on the length on student’s educational day).  High School percent of time may also be reported as 100 when attempting 5 or more credits during the school year. If a student attempts less than 5 credits, less than 100 should be reported.

The district may use the calculation that will allow for maximum percent of time reporting.

Percent of Time Data Verification Report

to come soon and use for the next school year

Date First Entered the 9th Grade and Cohort Year

The Date First Entered the 9th Grade field under the Graduation tab should contain the date the student started attending 9th grade for the first time in any state or country. This date is reported to the Ohio Department of Education (“ODE”) and is used to determine which tests the student should take to fulfill graduation requirements.  The date in the Date First Entered the 9th Grade also populates the NGA Cohort End Year and the NCLB Cohort End Year fields.

Starting Fiscal Year 2018, student's Graduation Cohort Year is also based upon the Date First Entered the 9th Grade in or outside of Ohio. If the student has attended another public high school district in Ohio prior to enrollment with the district, the Graduation Cohort Year for the student is already established.

The Cohort field is not reported to ODE, but is used internally for cohort reports and the counselor has access to update the field.

For more information see guideline 5111D – Guidelines for ODE Fiscal Year 9th Grade and Graduation Cohort Year for High School Transfer Students.


When you start to enter graduation information under the Graduation tab, to make sure you have not missed any data points, you can run the Graduates report found in Infinite Campus under Index > Student Information >  Reports > Data Verification  Reports > Graduates. This report will include all grade 12 students as well students in other grade levels who have a diploma date during the current school year.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management