

Prescriptions, in terms of rule violations found on your Certify scorecard, are the methods by which you can correct the data issues that are found. Below is a table with each rule defined in Certify.  If you need further clarification on a rule or how to correct it, please contact your Student Data Specialist, or submit a ticket to the Infinite Campus Support Team.

Rule # - Rule NamePrescription
1DEM 010-0010 - State Student ID must be unique.No student can have the same SSID as another student.  Contact Central Enrollment to have these corrected.
2DEM 010-0020 - First Name may only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, period, space, apostrophe or dash (hyphen).Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and update the name field accordingly. Use Initial Caps format (John Smith) and not all caps (JOHN SMITH).
3DEM 010-0030 - Middle Name may only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, period, space, apostrophe, or dash (hyphen).Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and update the name field accordingly. Use Initial Caps format (John Smith) and not all caps (JOHN SMITH).
4DEM 010-0040 - Last Name may only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, period, space, apostrophe or dash (hyphen).Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and update the name field accordingly. Use Initial Caps format (John Smith) and not all caps (JOHN SMITH).
5DEM 010-0060 - Ethnic Code is required.On the Demographics Tab, enter the Correct Race/Ethnicity fields.
6DEM 010-0180 - Country of Birth is required.

Review Birth Certificate to determine Country of Birth. Enter Country on Census > People > Demographics tab.

7DEM 010-0250 - Date Entered 9th Grade is required for all high school students.

Please review the Counselor Reminders page here for more information on this field.

8DEM 010-0260 - Students with the same first name, middle name, last name, gender and date of birth must have only one Student Demographic record.If this rule is violated, there is a very good chance that there is more than one record for the same student.  Please contact the Infinite Campus Support team to combine these records into one if appropriate.
9DEM 010-0320 - First Name must not end with the suffixes 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI' ,'VII' ,'VIII', 'JR', or 'SR'.

Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and move the name suffix to the Suffix field on the Demographics Tab.

10DEM 010-0360 - Last Name must not end with the suffixes 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'JR', or 'SR'.Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and move the name suffix to the Suffix field on the Demographics Tab.
11DEM 010-0390 - Middle Name must not end with the suffixes 'I', 'II', 'III' ,'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'JR', or 'SR'.Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and move the name suffix to the Suffix field on the Demographics Tab.
12DEM 010-0400 - Middle Name must contain letters and must not contain the suffixes 'Jr', 'JR', 'Sr', or 'SR'.Verify spelling of name on Birth Certificate and move the name suffix to the Suffix field on the Demographics Tab.
13DEM 010-0410 - Gender is required.Student gender must not be blank.  Refer to the birth certificate for correct information.
14DEM 010-0420 - Date Entered US School must be after the student's birth date.Review Enrollment History and and enter correct date on the Census > People > Demographics tab
15DEM 010-0430 - Date Entered US School must be prior to today.This is a simple date check ... students enrolled in a CCS school must have a date prior to the current date.
16DEM 010-0440 - Students who have not yet entered 9th grade should not have an Entered 9th Grade Date.If the student has not yet entered 9th grade, this date should be removed from this field.
17DEM 010-0550 - Student must have at least one valid Federal Race Code.Federal race code is a required field.
18ENR 020-0240 - If the student has an End Date other than the last day of school, they must have an End Status.The End Status is a drop-list of reasons why a student is being withdrawn.  This must be populated if the end date is not the last day of school.
19ENR 020-0270 - If the Withdrawal Code = ** , the next Entry Date must be on the same calendar day as the Withdrawal Date.This is to ensure that there is no gap in enrollment.
20ATT 130-0031 - Absence status should remain unknown more than 5 days.When absences are marked by the classroom teacher, the absence type is considered 'unknown'.  This status changes when the attendance office applies the appropriate excuse code.  Violations of this rule mean that there are absences that have been unknown for more than 5 days.  These absences should be changed to Unexcused (UNX). If there is documentation supporting another excuse code, process appropriately.
21ATT 130-0032 - Tardy status should not remain unknown after 5 days.Violations of this rule mean that there are tardies that have been in the 'unknown' status for more than 5 days.  Unknown tardies should be changed to Tardy Unexcused (TUX). If there is documentation supporting another excuse code, process appropriately.
22ATT 130-0060 - No comments entered when any attendance code other than Absence Unknown or Absent Unexcused.

If a student is absent, a comment must be entered for any attendance code used with the exception of Absent Unknown and Absent Unexcused. A comment providing details to the excuse code must be entered in each period for the respective excuse code. See the guidelines here for more details.

23ATT 130-0070 - Attendance modification date is changed after 30 days.This is a notification and should be reviewed to ensure that modifications to attendance are documented properly. Refer to Administrative Guideline 5200a for more details.
24SCH 120-0010 - Student has been scheduled in the No Show Blocker Course for 15 days or more.The No Show Blocker course (N90130) is intended to be a place holder for students who were expected to attend but have not.  This 15 day notification is to help ensure that schools are following the Unable to Locate Student process.
25SCH 120-0011 - Student does not have any scheduled courses after enrollment start date.Students enrolled must have a schedule their for every day they are enrolled in the building.
26SCH 120-0020 - Student enrollment start date is = today.This is a notification that you have a new student in your building.  This will appear on the Certify scorecard only for the first day the student is enrolled at your school.
27SCH 120-0022 - Student must not have schedule record where Roster Start Date equals Roster End Date.When schedules are changed, the start date in the new course/section should always be the next school day after the previous course is dropped.

SCH 120-0030 - ES Students must have all periods scheduled (Exclude IM and CH) - Semester 1.

Students must have a complete schedule with no gaps.  This particular rule is for first semester courses at Elementary schools.  (warning)  Since Instrumental Music and Chorus are not required of all students, these periods are currently excluded from this rule.

29SCH 120-0031 - ES Students must have all periods scheduled (Exclude IM and CH) - Semester 2.Students must have a complete schedule with no gaps.  This particular rule is for first semester courses at Elementary schools.  (warning)  Since Instrumental Music and Chorus are not required of all students, these periods are currently excluded from this rule.
30SCH 120-0032 - MS/HS Students must have all periods scheduled - Semester 1.Students must have a complete schedule with no gaps.  This particular rule is for first semester courses at Middle and High schools.

SCH 120-0033 - MS/HS Students must have all periods scheduled - Semester 2.

Students must have a complete schedule with no gaps.  This particular rule is for second semester courses at Middle and High schools.

32SCH 120-0036 - Currently Active Students must not have Grade ND greater than 30 days from district entry date for the current school year after the enrollment start date.Grade ND (Not Determined) is a placeholder grade that is used until either records are received from a previous school or the student can be assessed to determine the appropriate grade level.  Students should NOT remain in this grade indefinitely.
33SCH 120-0037 - Currently Active Students must not have Grade RD greater than 45 days from district entry date for the current school year after the enrollment start date.Grade RD (Reading Determination) is a placeholder grade for students who have not yet met all of the requirements for 3GRG.  Students should NOT remain in this grade indefinitely.

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