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Managing Course Requests

Course requests are managed using the Requests Panel, which opens on the right hand side of the student's Schedule.

Here, users can see which requested courses have been scheduled, and how many total scheduling units (periods times terms) the student has filled. Use the Add Requests button to add more course requests. Use the Search panel to find and place additional courses for the student.

The Requests Panel stores the courses the student has requested. Courses into which the student is already scheduled display in the Scheduled section in a gray table. Courses into which the student has not been scheduled display in an Unscheduled section.

Scheduling Units

A scheduling unit represents a portion of the student’s schedule. Graphically, 1 unit is represented by one of the schedule ‘blocks’ as shown below. To determine the number of units needed for a full schedule, multiple the number of terms by the number of periods and by the number of period schedules (at most schools this is the number of days in the week).

In the example above, there are 4 terms (Q1-4), 10 periods (1,2,3,4a,4b,5,6a,6b,7,8) and 5 period schedules (M,T,W,R,F). 10x5x4 = 200 units. This is represented as the denominator in the fraction shown at the top of the request panel:

Each course has a unit value. Typically, a year-long course is 20 units (1 period x 4 quarters x 5 period schedules). A semester course is typically half of that (10 units). All of these added up give you the numerator in the fraction shown above. In this case, the student has 180 units requested. The student needs 200 units to have a full schedule.


NOTE: Requests of type “A” (Alternate) are not included in the count of units requested.

NOTE: Requests of type “A” (Alternate) are not included in the count of units requested.

The color of the circle changes depending on the number of units requested, as does the total completion of the circle. 

Request Types

Each request is assigned a request type - Required, Elected or Alternate. These are used in the Schedule Wizard logic when placing courses sections for students. The assigned types can be changed as desired.

Course requests made by or for a student are assigned a request type of Required, Elected or Alternate. These are request types only, separate from and not related to the types of courses being selected.