While students are building their course plans, you can get an idea of their progress to help plan for your master schedule by exporting a variety of reports in Schoolinks

This link takes you to the Schoolinks documentation on how to build these exports:


Below is an example of how to extract the reports from the Course Planner

First, click the District (apple button) and choose Course Planner

Add any filters you wish:

There are many filters to choose from. When finished, click the View button at the bottom

You will see a list of students as shown. Click the Export button to generate a report.


Choose which report you want to generate here. Click Select Report when you have made your selection

After clicking Select Report, confirm your request by clicking the Export button on the blue banner that appears:

In the lower left corner of the screen, you will see that your report has been submitted.

When the report is ready (usually only takes 10-15 seconds), click the bell icon in the upper right corner.

Here is an example report:


NOTE: This report shows ALL planned courses. If students worked ahead and created plans for future years (not just next year), make sure to look at the planned year column (highlighted above) and filter out any years different from next year to get accurate counts. This must be done in the spreadsheet AFTER you export the data from Schoolinks.

NOTE: This report shows ALL planned courses. If students worked ahead and created plans for future years (not just next year), make sure to look at the planned year column (highlighted above) and filter out any years different from next year to get accurate counts. This must be done in the spreadsheet AFTER you export the data from Schoolinks.