Each school year, schools must determine which courses they will be offering for the year. All courses from the previous year are copied over in December to the next year calendar. If new courses need added, or if existing courses are no longer being offered and need removed, this must be requested via the CCSDAS.

Adding new courses

Please note that it is the building scheduler's responsibility to determine if a course can be offered in your school.  All courses are expected to be taught by certified teachers. Also, to avoid issues and to support teachers and other bargaining unit members, it is important to understand the CEA Master Agreement (contract) when scheduling. More info on these topics can be found here.

Course listing

To aid in determining course offerings, you can run the ad-hoc report called "Courses Offered" to get a list of what you are currently offering, then add/remove items from this list as necessary.

PATH:  Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export



If you choose the HTML List Report option shown above, the list will sort by Course Name, then group and total student counts for each course. The results will display in your browser window instead of downloading a spreadsheet.