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Application for the reassignment of a student to an existing stop other than the regularly assigned stop or route.

Guidelines for the form are as follows:

When submitting a REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT - FORM 1, the secretary should EMAIL THE FORM AS FOLLOWS:

K - 8 } Brad Danielson - bdaniels@columbus.k12.oh.us 

9 - 12} Greg McCandless - gmccandl@columbus.k12.oh.us 

Special Education - SpclNeedsTransport@columbus.k12.oh.us 

The preference here is to use a bulleted list, as with screenshots, a numbered list can get messy.

  • Student numbers are needed to trouble shoot or request routing. Just put the student’s number in the subject line.

  • All concerns and complaints must be called into 614-365-5074. This will facilitate logging, tracking & resolution.

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