This page is intended for Elementary Schools only. The following information is to provide instruction on how to complete the Master Scheduling process. The process is broken into two parts: the Master Scheduling Build process and the Master Scheduling Load process.

The Master Scheduling Build process will consist of adding courses, creating sections, adding teachers, rooms, and periods. The following information will be reviewed and edited during this process:

·      Next year’s number of classes in each grade level.

·      Next year’s teachers for each class, including room numbers if available.

·      Next year’s number of special ed classrooms.

·      Next year’s number of gifted & talented classrooms.

·      Next year’s number of split classrooms and the grade levels (not including special ed).

·      Next year’s staggered start option choice.

·      Next year’s lunch schedule.

The Master Scheduling Load process will consist of reviewing the work from the Build process, adding requests through the Request Wizard, completing special requests for students, completing setup in the Schedule Wizard, manually loading students, and reviewing all changes by reviewing the Master Schedule Report and Section Rosters.