Secondary Grade Entry for Q4 in 2019-20

This guide is intended to assist secondary teachers (grades 6-12) with grade entry for the end of the 2019-2020 school year.


Step 1 - Enter Quarter 4 grades

  • For students that opted in to receive a letter grade, the following grades are acceptable:

    • A, A-, B+, B or B-

DO NOT enter grades of C+ or lower, as this will change the grade calculation. Administrators should run the Grades Report to look for any of these grades so that they can be corrected.

  • For all other students, a grade of P or I should be entered

    • P (Pass) - the student is completing work and learning

    • I (Incomplete) - there is limited or no evidence of work completed or the student could not be reached

After posting grades, you must remove the grade % if you are changing the posted grade to a P or I. Under the Posted heading, the percent column must be EMPTY (not a zero) so that the grades are only averaged for the first 3 quarters. Please note, this does not affect the grade/percentage in the In Progress column - this will remain there for future reference.

See animated image below for an example:

  • Click Save when finished

Step 2 - Post the Final Grades

  • Change the drop-down in the Grade Book to the Final grading task and click the link to post the final grade

  • Note that for the grades that were P or I and where the grade percentage was removed, the final grade calculates with only the first three quarters

  • Click Save when finished

Step 3 - Run Quality Points Report / Updater

  • The Quality Points Report / Updater has been modified to address the new grading policy implemented due to the pandemic at the end of the 2019-2020 school year

  • Run the report as you normally would following the instructions here:


  • The enhanced report now takes into account whether a student opted in for a letter grade for Q4, or if they elected to get a P/I grade

  • If a student elected to get a letter grade (B- or higher), the student will only appear on the report if the quality points calculation IMPROVES the student’s final grade.

  • If student received a P or I as the Q4 grade, the quality points calculation will only consider Q1, Q2 and Q3 in the calculation. If the student’s grade improved, it will appear on the report.

  • After running the report and reviewing the data,run the report again using the “Run Update” option. This will update the grades in the grade book based on the results of the report.


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