Versions Compared


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  The different modes that can be used are Daily, PeriodBatch, Edit, Batch Edit, Check In and Check Out.






Who should use this mode?







Records student attendance for the entire day.


Change Unknown Absences to Unexcused.  Could also be used to mark a group of students absent that may not have initially been marked in the classroom monitor.

The Attendance Entry Wizard tool allows the attendance staff to quickly create or change attendance data for an individual or a group of students.  It is the workhorse of the attendance tools in Infinite Campus. The Attendance Entry Wizard is located in the Attendance Office menu.  Path: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Attendance Entry Wizard


The Attendance Wizard has the user enter information in a certain order.  The steps to enter information are numbered on the wizard.  It is important to remember if you start at Step #5 and then go back to change the mode in Step #2, the previous data you entered will be removed and will need to be added again.

Information entered in the wizard will modify student attendance. Check and verify all information entered in the wizard before saving.  It is a good idea to remind yourself to check over the data you have entered for accuracy. 


However, if an error is made, please submit a TDX Ticket (Infinite Campus Support Ticket) for assistance as soon as possible.  Do not hesitate to seek help if an error is made, we are here to support you!

Below is a description of each mode found in the Attendance Wizard. For directions on how to enter attendance using each mode, please visit the Infinite Campus Dashboard.


Daily Mode – Used by Elementary Schools. Do not use for MS/HS.

  • Records student attendance for an entire day for an elementary school student. 


Period Mode - Used primarily by Secondary Schools. Not typically used in ES.


  • Record student’s attendance for the selected period.


  • Student(s) will be off campus or will miss class for a selected period only, such as testing during a certain period.


Batch Mode - Used primarily by Secondary Schools. Not typically used in ES.


Secondary schools use this mode


to record a tardy or early leave. Add the time and reason in the comments when using this mode.

  • Records student attendance for the entered date range and time range.

Not typically used in ES

  • Can be used when a student will be absent from school for consecutive full days.


  • Student(s) will be absent for a specified date range and time range


  • , or when a student will be absent from school for multiple days.


Secondary schools use this mode to record attendance events from the late arrival and early leave logs.




The Edit Mode allows the user to record attendance for only one student and more than one period at a time, but not for an entire day. When using this mode you can select a different attendance code and enter different comments for each period.


Batch Edit


Records attendance for a date range for the selected periods.  The students would be marked absent for the same periods on all attendance days during the entered range.






Check In - Used by Elementary Schools. Do not use for MS/HS.

  • Used by elementary schools to check in late arrivals.

  • Student comes to school AFTER having been marked absent for the entire day. 

  • Using this mode marks the student as present


  • from the time of arrival through the remainder of the day.


  • Student must be marked absent first


  • for this mode to work.


Do not use check in mode at MS/HS.



Check Out


Check Out - Used by Elementary Schools. Do not use for MS/HS.

  • Used by elementary schools to check out early leaves.

  • Student leaves school after being in attendance from the beginning of the school day through the leave time. 


  • Using this mode marks the student as absent from the time of departure through the


  • remainder of the day.


There are exceptions to certain buildings when using the Attendance Wizard.

  • K-6 buildings

    take Daily Attendance.  K

    – 6th graders attending these buildings have their attendance processed the same as the elementary school students in the building.  Use Daily Attendance mode to process their attendance.  

  • K-8 buildings


    - use Daily Attendance for Grades K-5


    . Use Period

    by Period

    Attendance for Grades 6-8.

     Be sure to ask your Student Data Specialist if you are unsure of which mode to use.