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The Due Process Hearing Resolution type is entered when there is an intent to suspend from the educational environment.    

When using the Resolution Type of Due Process Hearing (Non-removalRemoval) the student will not have attendance that corresponds with the Hearing Resolution.  

Prior to a suspension, the school must give:

  1. Written notice of intended suspension including the reason(s) for the suspension and
  2. Reasonable opportunity at an informal hearing for the student to refute or give an explanation for his/her actions


A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be filed in the student's individual behavior file or uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus within ONE school day of the decision.

Due Process Hearing with No Removal during the school day*

Used to schedule a meeting that may or may not result in an out of school suspension.  The student's presence is not a danger to persons or property and will continue in the academic setting while awaiting the outcome of the hearing.  

Resolution Type:
Due Process Hearing (nonNon-removalRemoval)
2Resolution Assign DateDate the resolution is assigned
3Behavior Admin Staff NameName of building Administrator assigning the resolution
4DetailsRecord details specific to the resolution.  Not recording resolution details will result in a Certify violation.
5Entered Per Direction ofThis field is only completed in the event the Secretary is entering the resolution on behalf of the Administrator (*this only applies to elementary secretaries in buildings with only one administrator.)
6Direction ReceivedSecretary will select the method of direction received from the administrator to record the behavior resolution (*this only applies to elementary secretaries in buildings with only one administrator.)
7Letter DateDate letter was generated from Infinite Campus
68Hearing DateDate of scheduled Hearing.  Not recording a hearing date will result in a Certify violation.
79Hearing TimeTime of scheduled Hearing
810Apply ToCheck the student's name that you are assigning the hearing for  
911SaveReview all required fields for accuracy prior to saving
1012Behavior Letter Name:Letter - Intent to Suspend Without Emergency Removal.  A signed copy of the written hearing notice is to be filed in the student's individual behavior file

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or uploaded to the student's document tab in Infinite Campus within ONE school day of the decision.

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After the Due Process Hearing

Within Three (3) days of the due process hearing a second resolution must be ADDED to the incident.  


If a second resolution is not recorded within three days of the hearing, the following Certify rule will appear on the school's Certify report

BEH 110-0020 - If Behavior Resolution is a hearingDue Process, there must be a second resolution within 3 days of Hearing Date will appear on the school's Certify report.  

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CCS Resolution Types

Tied to Attendance Code

36: PBIS-Bus ridership suspension

25: PBIS-Conference with student

33: PBIS-Detention
32.5: PBIS-
Due Process (

32: PBIS-Due Process Hearing (

student removal

Student Removal)

 (tick) RMV 

32.6: PBIS-Due Process Hearing Office Referral
21: PBIS-Loss of privilege
50: PBIS-No Action Taken
30.1: PBIS-OSS/Out of
school suspension 
School Suspension (tick) OSS
28: PBIS-PALS(tick) PALS
26: PBIS-Parent contact
32.7: PBIS-PreK to 3rd Emergency Removal: Remainder of School Day                 (tick) RMV 
51: PBIS-Resolution Assigned but Not Served: Student UNX                 (tick) RNS
34: PBIS-Restitution
34.4: PBIS-Restorative Questions
31: PBIS-SAIL referral
34.5: PBIS-Sensory Regulation
35: PBIS-Social agency referral
22: PBIS-Time out < 1 hour
23: PBIS-Time out > 1 hour

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