Infinite Campus has a new look and feel! Campus customers can now toggle a switch to replace their existing Infinite Campus with a new The ‘New Look’ of Infinite Campus is here!
Infinite Campus is replacing their existing UI and navigational structure. This new Infinite Campus experience is the same look and feel that is available in the Parent and Student portals. It contains all of the same tools as the current Infinite Campus but and includes several improvements. Although the ‘Classic Look' of Infinite Campus will be available for the 24/25 school year, all documentation on the Dashboard will be updated with screenshots and directions for the ‘New Look’. All training will be in the ‘New Look' of Infinite Campus only.
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Want to see a live demo of the New Look. View the video hereQUICK TIP: The easiest way to find a tool or report in the ‘New Look’ is to use the tool search. Once you find what you are looking for, make it a Favorite. Want more information? Click the section Finding/Favoriting Commonly Used Tools. |
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Keep in mind Infinite Campus still functions the same. However, the location of many of the tools that you commonly use are now in a different space. This change is for the ‘Look and Feel’, but IC works the same way. Therefore, this is NOT ABOUT LEARNING A NEW STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM; it is just learning to navigate the New Look ‘New Look’. Infinite Campus the product still functions the same.
What is the Current Timeline for the New Look of Infinite Campus?
Enhancements and features continue to be added to the New Look and Feel of Infinite Campus as
it remains in Open Beta through the 2022-2023 school year. Although significant progress has been made, there are several important milestones that need to be completed before Infinite Campus can move past an open beta status. Once they are ready to make the New Look and Feel of Infinite Campus the default navigation, they plan to keep Classic Campus available for an additional school year.
Therefore, the short answer is: It is coming soon, but there is no hard date to change all users in CCS, just a soft timeline of starting the 23/24 school yearAlthough the ‘Classic’ Look of Infinite Campus will be available for the 24/25 school year, all documentation and training will be in the 'New Look” of Infinite Campus only.
We are actively pointing all users to the ‘New Look'. It would be beneficial for users to get started now, so they can become used to the change.
Beginning June 30, 2025, the New Look
Permanently Replaces Classic Campus. All Campus users will be required to switch to the New Look this summer.
How Do I Turn It On?
Select the User Menu icon (the person icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen).
Click the Try New Look toggle from OFF to ON (see image below).
Keep in mind that you can turn this feature off if you prefer to use the Classic Look of Infinite Campus at this time, but the recommendation is to turn it on now to familiarize yourself with the changes.
Improvements with the
‘New Look’
The New Look of Infinite Campus includes many improvements with the New Look. Below are listed some, BUT NOT ALL, of the improvements that have been made to Infinite Campus that may be of interest to Central Enrollment staff members.
Tools focused on a specific student now contain a useful information card which when selected, details important student information as well a summary of their enrollment record(s) in the active school year. This is especially useful for reviewing enrollment information without the need to navigate away from the tool you are currently working in.
Finding/Favoriting Commonly Used Tools
You can now mark tools or reports as favorites and have these tools populate a separate menu. This allows for easy access to those tools which you find most important and use on a day-to-day basis. This is a great new feature! If you are an administrator you can favorite all your your ADA and ADM report or your Behavior Management screen. If you are a secretary, you might favorite the Classroom Monitor or the Daily Attendance Screen. Your Favorites Menu will
There is now a search option called ‘Tool’ in the Infinite Campus New Look. This is the easiest way to find all of the tools (screens) that you routinely use. For instance, a secretary may want to search for a student and view different information such as the student’s schedule, enrollment , or attendance information. Instead of attempting to find all of these tools, you can use the tool search and place them into your ‘Favorites’ menu.
Searching for a Tool in the New Look
Click the Search icon.
Change the search Type to Tool.
Type in the name or a keyword for your tool search. (In this example, we used the search criteria ‘attendance wizard’).
Click on the tool you are searching for in the results.
Once you have found the tool, you can add it to you Favorites menu. This makes all of your most commonly used tools easily located and accessible in one place. To place a tool into your Favorites menu, click the Star icon next to the tool name. The icon will be filled with a blue color. Once the icon has been selected, the tool will display in your Favorites menu.
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