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Columbus City Schools Board Policy 5200 - Attendance Absence states that a maximum of nine (9) student absences from school will be considered excused with parental notification. After nine (9) absences, additional information and/or documentation in addition to the parent notification may be required in order for the absence to be excused. Such documentation may include but is not limited to, written statements from a physician, dentist, or licensed mental health provider; a social services agency if the student was receiving consultation or services; or a college or university admissions office if a student was absent for a college visit.

Documentation shall be reviewed by the Principal. Based upon the evidence presented, the Principal shall either excuse the absence or cause the absence to be marked as unexcused. Forms shall be provided to the Principal. The Principal shall sign and date the form and retain the original on file. 

Parent Authorized Absence Attendance Codes


  • PMD - Parent Medical-Full Day Absence for Medical Reason

  • PDRPMEL - Parent Authorized absence for Death of a RelativEarly Leave - For Medical Reason

  • PMLA - Parent Authorized Late Arrival - For Medical Reason

  • PSD - Parent Safety Determination

  • PDR - Parent Death of Relative


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New Look of Infinite Campus

PATH: > Attendance Office > CCS Attendance Reports > Parent Authorization Verification



Once the student has reached their 9 Parent Authorized Absence limit, a PA Limit Reach Flag must be added. Any additional parent notes must be given to the Principal to review, along with a Request for Principal Approval of an Excused Absence Form.   If the Principal does not approve the absence, the absence should remain Unexcused (UNX).  If the Principal approves the absence and signs the form, the absence should be coded as Excused (EXC).  All documentation should be uploaded to the student's individual attendance repository.

Classic Look

PATH: Index > Attendance > Reports > Parent Authorization Verification 

9 Parent Authorized Absences Flag
