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Getting Started

Table of Contents

Teacher Role

Teachers will enter attendance electronically at the start of class. Pre-School teachers with ½ day classes will enter

Getting Started

Table of Contents

Teacher Role

Teachers will enter attendance electronically at the start of class. Pre-School teachers with ½ day classes will enter attendance once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

The following exceptions for entering electronic attendance are:

  • substitute teachers,

  • teachers without access to a computer at the time attendance is required,

  • and when the student information system cannot be accessed due to power, network, or system outages.  

All teachers are to have a paper roster in the classroom in the event of such exceptions. The teacher will send an attendance roster (Register Report) to the office before the end of each period.  All substitute teachers will have an Infinite Campus generated student roster for each period that they will complete and send to the office before the end of each period. The secretary will enter the attendance through the Classroom monitor and file the attendance rosters in the appropriate daily attendance folder. 

Teachers only have access to enter attendance for the current day.  They cannot enter or edit attendance for previous or future days. Teachers will be able to view attendance entered by the office, but are unable to override the attendance once it has been coded. If they have a correction it must be submitted to the secretary in writing.  

Secretary Role

Secretaries will confirm that attendance has been entered by teachers through the Classroom Monitor.  Attendance should be recorded no later than 9:30 a.m.

  • Enter attendance rosters for substitute teachers, teachers without access to a computer and when the student information system cannot be accessed.

  • Enter late arrivals using the Attendance Wizard.  This process will calculate minutes accurately for students, but will not interfere with attendance entries for other periods.  

  • Generate the Caller Report after all Attendance has been entered by the teachers and all late arrivals have been entered. 

  • Enter the early leaves using the Attendance Wizard.

  • Print/save a copy of the Attendance Summary Report.

  • File all substitute teacher rosters, late bus rosters, late arrival log, early dismissal log, and any other documentation related to that day's attendance in the respective dates daily attendance file. 



All teachers must enter their attendance electronically. School Secretaries can enter attendance from an Infinite Campus generated roster for substitute teachers and teachers who do not have access to a computer. It is recommended the attendance roster is signed & dated by the teacher submitting the attendance before sending to the office.  

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Daily Attendance Entry Step-by-Step

Step One – Enter Absences

Infinite Campus generated student rosters

Classroom teachers are responsible for submitting attendance, electronically, through Infinite Campus Instruction.   It is recommended that teachers have a current, PRINTED Attendance Roster, in the event that the teacher is absent and a substitute teacher has been assigned.  Also, in the event of a system outage; a printed attendance roster (generated from Infinite Campus) should be used to record attendance.  The secretary will use the roster for attendance entry through Classroom Monitor.  Attendance not recorded on an Infinite Campus generated roster should not be accepted. 

Printing the Register Report for Teachers

There are two different attendance rosters (aka Registers) that can be generated. 

  • New Look Path: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Attendance Register or Sub Attendance Roster Report


Sub Attendance Roster 

New Look Path: Main Menu >Attendance Office > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster Report

The Sub Attendance Roster can only be generated for one day.  However, it can be generated for a range of periods, for specific teachers:

  1. Effective Date defaults to the current date.  The date can be changed by typing in another date or use the date selector.  It is imperative that the date on the rosters is the date that the attendance is being recorded for.

  2. Period: Click H1 (If you are printing for a PM Only class, click H6)

  3. Teacher: Click on the name of the teacher the substitute is there for. 

    • Use the CTRL key and left mouse button to select multiple teachers.

  4. Course: Select Elementary Attendance

  5. Click Generate Report.

Attendance Register Report

New Look Main Menu > Attendance Office > Report > Attendance Register

If the attendance roster is being generated for every teacher for every period, generate the Register report.  If students have attendance events entered in Infinite Campus, they will display on the report:

Enter the criteria for the report

  1. Select Course Section Attendance Register(IMPORTANT)

  2. Select By Date

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date

  4. Select Portrait.

  5. Select Teachers and Sections.

    1. Select Teachers to generate for all home room teachers, leave at the default of All Teachers; sort by name.

    2. To generate the report for all attendance courses, highlight all of the Elementary Attendance sections. Or to select specific sections, click on the desired section, click the control key, and click any further desired sections.

  6. What options would you like to use for printing?

    1. Select Include only Instructional Days

    2. Select Use District Attendance Codes.

  7. How would you like to sort students?

    1. Select Teacher

  8. Click Generate Report.

New Look


Step Two - Using the Classroom Monitor

Step Two of the Daily Attendance process is to use the Classroom Monitor to record a student’s attendance status.

New Look Path: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Attendance Management > Classroom Monitor


Absences noted on the Infinite Campus generated paper roster received by the office must be entered using the Classroom Monitor. 

  1. The Classroom Monitor will open to the current date. 

    1. To change the date, type the date or use the calendar tool to select the date.  Click the Refresh button to reload the Classroom Monitor for the selected date.

  2. Sections displaying as pink indicate that attendance has not been entered and saved

    1. When the Elementary teachers enter attendance in the morning, the student is marked absent unknown. This will automatically update overnight to UNX.    

    2. Sections displaying as green indicatesthat attendance has been entered and saved for that day.  If all students are present, the teacher will still need to click on the section and click Save.

    3. The number of student’s present displays with the number of students scheduled.
      Verify in the Classroom Monitor that attendance has been entered by 9:30 in elementary, if not, you will need to contact the teacher and request they complete/save their attendance.

  3. The teachers are listed in alphabetical order by last name.  All students are marked Present by default.   Mark (If all students are present, skip to Step 4) If students are absent; mark the students absent by clicking the radio button under A. It is optional to enter comments in the Comments field in the Classroom Monitor.  Comments entered here will display on the Portal.  

    If all students are present, skip to Step 4

  4.  Click Save.  The page will refresh and display the Classroom Monitor view with the course section just modified in green.


Verify in the Classroom Monitor that attendance has been entered by 9:30 AM, if not, you will need to contact the teacher and request they complete/save their attendance.

New Look

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Classic Look

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Students late to school must initially be marked as absent in order for the tardy to be properly recorded using the Check In mode. If a student arrived to school on time, but was late getting to class, the teacher will mark student absent and send them to the office to get checked in.
  1. section just modified in green.


Verify in the Classroom Monitor that attendance has been entered by 9:30 AM, if not, you will need to contact the teacher and request they complete/save their attendance.

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Attendance Taking Blocker Courses

Students scheduled into Attendance Taking Blocker Courses must be marked absent daily in the classroom monitor.  Attendance must be entered on the No Show, Unable to Locate and Located Not Attending blocker courses daily.  For more information on these courses, visit the attendance blocker section

of Attendance Basics 18-19 - ARCHIVE


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Pre-K Attendance 

PK teachers with ½ day PK classes will need to take attendance for both their AM and PM courses, Pre-K Full Day attendance will be taken the same way as all other full day elementary students.


full day elementary students.

  • When using the New Look, AM Pre-K attendance should be taken during H1 and PM attendance should be taken during H6.

  • If you are using the Classic Look, Pre-K AM Attendance should be taken in the first period that occurs before lunch. The student will be marked for all periods that occur prior to the Lunch period.

  • If you are using the Classic Look, Pre-K PM Attendance should be taken in the first period that occurs after lunch. The student will be marked for all periods that occur through the remainder of the day.

  • When using the New Look, AM Pre-K attendance should be taken during H1 and PM attendance should be taken during H6.

  • New Look Classic Look

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    K-6 Schools:

    Please ignore any 6th grade courses displaying on the classroom monitor (LA, MA, SC, etc.).  Attendance will NOT be entered for these courses and they will remain pink.

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    Step Three - Late Arrivals

    Students who arrive after the official start of school are considered to be tardy to school and must sign in at the schools designated attendance area. When a student arrives to school late, the students first and last name, time and reason must be recorded on the Student Late Arrival Log.  This log is a paper document that will be used to record the information into Infinite Campus. The log must be maintained in the corresponding daily attendance file.  

    New Look PATH Path > Search Main Menu > Attendance Office > Attendance Entry Wizard
    Classic LookPATH: Index Management > Attendance > Attendance Entry Wizard

    Late arrivals entered from the log must be entered using the Check In mode in the Attendance Wizard.  This process will calculate minutes accurately for students.


    Students MUST be recorded as ABSENT in Classroom Monitor before using the Check In Mode through the Attendance Wizard.

    The Check In Mode applies the attendance code to all absences prior to the check-in time.  Absences after the check-in time entered will be removed.  The Check In time stamp will auto populate into the comments field and be noted on the Summary Report which can be generated from the Daily Attendance screen.

    It is important to follow the steps below in the order to correctly record the tardy. 

    1. In the Attendance Wizard, enter the Attendance Date or use the date selector to choose the date of the tardy.

    2. Select  Mode: Check In.  You must select the Check In Mode prior to searching for the student.  

    3. Search for the student who is to be recorded as tardy to school by entering the student’s name or student number in the applicable fields.


      If multiple students are to be recorded as tardy with the same check in time and same comments, another search can be completed for additional students. 

    4. Click Search


      If the student does not populate into Column B, they were not marked absent first and must be marked absent before you can record the late arrival. 

    5. Students who match the search criteria will display in column B.  If there are multiple students matching the search criteria, click on the name of the student to be recorded as tardy to display that student’s name to Column C.  If there is only student matching the search criteria, that student’s name will also display in Column C.

    6. Select the appropriate Attendance Code from the drop-down menu.  

    7. Current Time - Enter the time of the student’s arrival as recorded on the Late Arrival Log.

    8. Enter Comments if an attendance code other than TUX is used. Comments entered here are visible on the Parent Portal.

    9. Click Save Attendance

    New Look

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    Step Six

    Step Four - Printing the Caller Report

    Step six four of the Daily Attendance process is to print the Caller Report.  The Caller Report prints a list of students who are marked as absent unknown and includes the parent/guardian names, home phone number, work phone number and parent/guardian email.  This report only prints students marked with an “A” (Absent Unknown) in the Classroom Monitor.  It is necessary to print this report after the Late Arrivals have been entered through the attendance wizard.  File this report with the Late Arrival Logs, Student Release, Attendance Roster/Sub Roster, Late Bus Roster in the Daily Attendance File.

    New Look PATHPath: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Daily Attendance Processing > Caller ReportClassic PATH:  Index > Attendance > Management > Daily Attendance Processing > Caller Report

    Once attendance has been entered for all students, generate the Caller Report.

    1. The Daily Attendance tab will open to the current date. To change the date, type the date or use the calendar tool to select the date.

    2. Click Caller Report.

    New Look

    Classic Look

    The report opens in PDF format; click the Print icon to print the report or the Save icon to save it to your computer.

    Each school is directed to have an Attendance team.  Designated member(s) of the team are to make phone calls to the parent/guardian of students absent the current day. The Caller Report (generated above) is an excellent tool to use when making the calls.  It is suggested, and helpful, to keep action notes directly on the caller report, however this does not replace documentation required for a students individual attendance folder.

    Examples would be:

    1. You attempted to contact the home number but there was no answer. Record the date you called and state "no answer".

    2. The student was marked Absent Unknown (A) before mom called in that the student would be out ill. Record "parent called in".


    How to remove tardy students from Caller Report:

    If you do not want your students who have arrived tardy to populate on this report, enter your tardies BEFORE you print your caller report.  The report will then only show the students marked as Absent Unknown.  

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    DO NOT ROLL THE ATTENDANCE. All attendance will automatically “Roll” overnight.

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    To see how this process affected the attendance, click on the Daily Attendance screen again and choose the date you changed.

    PATH: Index > Attendance > Daily Attendance 

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    Step Eight - Editing Attendance Reasons

    The Daily Attendance tool allows a user to see at a glance all students who have an attendance event (absence/ tardy/early leave etc.) for a selected day.  From here, a user with the proper rights may also edit an attendance event. 

    PATH:  Search > Student > Student’s Name > Attendance Tab

    When a parent calls in or provides a note to excuse the absence for that day and the student’s attendance has already been marked as an unexcused absence, the user can click on the attendance code to make edits.  The conversation must be documented on the Student Absence Notification form.

    1. Select the Attendance code from the drop-down list. 

    2. Enter a Comment - CCS requires a comment to be entered when codes other than UNX, TUX and EUX are used.  

    3. Click Fill Down (Note: Do not use the Fill Down feature if there is not an absence entered for every attendance period.)

    4. Click Save at the top of the tab.

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    Step Nine - Students Leaving Early

    Step Eight of the Daily Attendance process is to use the Check Out Mode in the Attendance Wizard when a student leaves early and needs to be marked as absent for the remainder of the day.

    When a student leaves school early, the parent must sign them out on the Student Release Log. The student's full name, time, reason, and the parent/guardian's signature must be recorded on the Student Release Log.  This log is a paper document that will be used to record the information into Infinite Campus. The log must be maintained with the daily attendance files.

    Early leaves will be entered using the Check Out mode in the Attendance Wizard.  This process will calculate minutes accurately for students.  The Check Out Mode applies the attendance code to all absences after the check-out time.  The Check Out time stamp will auto populate into the comments field.

    PATH:  Index > Attendance > Attendance Wizard

    1. Date: In the Attendance Date field, type or select the date from the calendar.

    2. Mode: Select Check Out

    3. Enter the students name or student number of the student leaving early in the applicable fields.

    4. Click Search.

    5. The Search results will appear in Columns B and C if you search for an individual student.  If you search for multiple students, you must click on their name in Column B to move them to Column C, after each search.

    6. Select the Attendance Code from the drop-down menu. 

      1. EUX = Early Leave Unexcused

      2. ELV = Early Leave Excused

      3. PAEL = Parent Authorized Early Leave

      4. PMEL = Parent Medical Early Leave

    7. Current Time - Enter the time the student signed out.  

    8. Enter any Comments as to why the student is leaving early.  Comments entered here are visible on the portal.

    9. Click Save Attendance


    If the student returns after being signed out for the day, you would sign them back in using the Check in mode.  This will calculate the appropriate time the student was out of the building.

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    Step Ten - Attendance Summary Report - Index>Attendance>Daily Attendance>Summary Report

    Generate this report after the daily attendance has been completed.  This report can either be printed and filed in the Daily Attendance File or a copy can be saved on the school's public drive.

     Click here for instructions: How to Generate the Attendance Summary Report.

    Step Eleven – Filing and Storing Attendance Notes and Documents.

    Daily Attendance Documentation File - Every school is to have a daily attendance documentation folder for each day of the school year. This folder will be used to file the following documents:

    • Student Late Arrival Log

    • Student Release Log

    • Route Lists of late bus arrivals

    • Fields trips, etc.

    • Attendance corrections for that day

    • Paper Register/Rosters used to enter attendance 

    Student Attendance File - Every student with attendance events should be uploaded to the student’s attendance documents tab

    • Parent/Guardian notes

    • Student Absence Notification Forms 

    • Class Excused Forms

    • Request for Principal Approval Forms

    • Other attendance documentation for that student

    It is required that all attendance documentation be stored at the school for 1 year.

    Classic LookPATH: Index > Attendance > Attendance Wizard

    Classic PATH:  Index > Attendance > Classroom Monitor

    Classic Look PATH: Index > Attendance > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster 

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Attendance > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Attendance > Reports > Register (This report cannot be generated by teachers)